Chapter 4

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When i woke up this morning, I was so anxious to go to work. Its not usually in my habits wanting to go to work early. But today it was different. I don't know why, but I wanted to see her so badly.

I couldn't think straight it was her in my mind. "where do i know this girl"

So i took my shower wore my suit and was going to work.
"sir your break fast" Cecilia said. But i ignored her and left for work.

When i arrived it was 7:15am, but she wasn't yet around. I was very upset. I didn't even know why.

After fifteen minutes Naleen arrived.

When she entered here office i called her through her phone.

"you are late" to my greatest surprise she said "no sir am not, Its 7:32am and you said i should be here by 8am."

This was the first time one of my employees had the courage of replying to me when i was talking.

I widened my eye to look at her and saw no fear in her. "wow this girl is surprising"

"Here's your contract. Sign"
"ok sir but can i go read it in my office and bring it back to you later?"

" Do you think I want to fraud you? And even if I wanted to i wouldn't be able to take anything from you."

Oh really? "yes"
"ok excuse me sir" and she left.
"What how can she?"

I was boiling with anger. As soon as she left i called her again. "i need coffee." and i dropped immediately.
Joy called telling me she's in the elevator coming to my office to talk about the hotel chain that has been expanded to Ukraine.

Joy is a genius of designing. So she has to draw a plan of designs for my new hotel in Ukraine.

I slept with her once or twice in fact i don't really know.

As soon as she entered my office, Naleen was bringing my coffee. Joy came immediately and gave me a kiss on my lips.

"oh thanks for the coffee you may now go."

As soon as she left i turn to joy and said "Joy you know am in the office and i hate these things happening here."

"oh give me a break. Have you forgotten the day we had sex on your desk here in the office."

"or do you have an eye for your Assistant?"

"oh shut up and lets get down to business "

"Noah i know you well."

"Can we go on with Business now?"
"yeah! She said with a smirk on her face."

Joy was a very charming woman. She sat across my desk wearing a suit with a mini-skirt and heels. She crossed her legs at the point where her panties could be visible. With her short straight hair which ended at her neck and eye contact she looked stunning.

Bringing her at a hotel tonight might make me forget about Naleen for a while.

After we spoke about everything, and I told her to start as soon as possible. Then back to our other business.

"Are you free tonight? At the normal place."

"Yeah 7pm... Am going shopping. See ya!!!"

When she left, Naleen brought her signed contract without saying a word, she dropped it on my table and was about to go when I stopped her.

Go take your note book and come let me give you my program for the week. You will have to write it down accordingly, with time and date.

Also here's my address and personal number.

Ok sir she replied. Is that all you will say? Ok sir?.
Yes ok sir. And she left

I couldn't read this girl's emotions. She's very complicated. After some minutes she came with a note book and took down the information needed.

Tonight I will give you my suit and laptop, you will have to go to my house and drop them there with the driver. His name is Carlos. When you arrive home tell Cecilia that you are my personal assistant and you came to drop my stuff. She will show you where to keep them.

"But sir there's no meeting for you tonight so why will i have to go drop your stuffs at your house."

"Its personal. Do you have a problem with that?"
"No sir."

The day when on smoothly. I had a board meeting at the conference room and Naleen was there. She was very effective and attentive to everything they where saying.

So in the evening I had to go and meet Joy at my suit in the hotel. As said i gave everything to Naleen and she went with the office driver Carlos.

I took off with my car and went to the hotel... Joy was already in my suit went i arrived on the bed laid with champagne and candles. The lights where turn off, but the room was dimmed i could see her red lingerie. She turn me on.

Then she came and she covered her lips on mine then we started kissing....

Hope you like this chapter. See you next chapter by kiss my loves.

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