Chapter 6

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Tomorrow is the day, yet am still a mess. I haven't prepared for this and I don't know what to do. Brenda has been out of town for a week now and i don't have any experience in this. "God help" I sighed. I have been walking up and down my room thinking of what to do and save me from this situation... I haven't been able to have my dinner yet, my room is a mess because I have gone through my stuffs for a million of times. Where is my phone?

As I took my phone I saw twenty missed called from " Mr Jason" I whisper yelled at myself... Am in trouble... Dialing his number, At the second ring he picked

"Where have you been?" he asked

"S-ir, I was sorting out my closet..."

"OK Tomorrow get ready at 8 am Carlos will come pick you up"


" Do you want me to repeat myself?"

"No sir"

"Good, you are going shopping for the event tomorrow night and he will also bring you to a friend of mine whom is a hairstylist Good night"

He hanged up? this man is unbelievable... But still, am dancing the Happy Dance My problem is solved... Now next challenge arrange this mess.

Two weeks ago
I saw him towards the elevator I was relieved. But there was something odd about him today, he looked like he hadn't slept the whole night. And I wonder why but that's not my problem now.
"Sir the board members are in the office"
"Ok I just need some coffee"
"Alright sir I will be right back"
When I got to the office the meeting had began so I just placed his coffee on the table next to him and took my sit.
"Mr Jason the project of the AA branch in Ukraine is almost done and I most say am very impressed with how the things are going" the man with black suit said, I got to understand that his name is "Mr Lim"
"Yeah sure we are trying our ultimate best so that everything will be ready by next month"
"That will be great" said Mr Lim
"ok I guess we are over with the meeting of the day and please email all of the presentations to my PA here. Thanks" said Noah
"uhmm Mr Jason, I will like to invite you to a ball in two weeks which is to celebrate the fifty years of "Lim Enterprises" your presence will be highly appreciated said "Mr Lim.
"I will surely be there"
"Thanks see you soon" said Mr Lim
As soon as the meeting was over i when to my office but got a call from my office phone.
"yes sir" i said
"sit down"
"Mr Lim is one of our important clients so I will be attending his ball and with you by my side as my date" he said
I was shocked and thought he we as joking but by his facial expression it showed he wasn't kidding so I just shock my head.
"Good that will be all"
And i left his office shocked and speechless which us back today...

Sorrry guys i know i have been extremely late with my updates i have no excuse but to tell you i will be updating every week Fridays Sorry again and thank you!!!

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