chapter 5

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  When I arrived at his house, Holy shit! Its humongous.  Is it possible for one person to stay in such a big house?

Then the gate opened automatically. "We are here, go and keep Mr Jason's suit and come so I can drop you at your home" said Carlos. I looked at him after what he just said then he said
"Mr Jason's orders. "

As soon as I arrived the front door, an old, short lady was standing at the front door. She was in her 50's.

"I guess you are Mr Jason's new personal assistant. He told me about your arrival to come and drop his stuffs."
"Yes ma'am." I answered.

"Come let me show you his room and just drop them there on his bed. And please just call me Cecilia".  "Ok"

The house had very sophisticated  furniture. In his living room, he had a smart Tv. With some painting on the wall. As i was looking at the living room, i heard Cecilia's voice are you coming?

She was going upstairs, and I was following behind. They where three rooms. The first room at the right was where i saw Cecilia stand. She opened the door and we went in.  I was Like a surprise kid who went to Disneyland for the first time, It was breathtaking.

Everything was white.  From the walls to the bed, comforters, shits, chairs all was white. His king size bed was at the left side of the door. He has a TV screen just like the one in the living room.

I kept his stuffs on his bed. Cecilia was waiting for me. As i left the room she locked the door and we left.

Carols was waiting for me. I entered the car and we left for my house. Still baffled
Wow he has a great house. "I bet this is where he brings his girlfriend. She most be lucky wow.
Joy is lucky.  I thought of what happened earlier in the office this morning.
When Joy came today and kissed Noah I don't know why but I wasn't happy.
When i went back to my office, i was looking at them through the glass door that separated my office from Noah's.  Who is she to Noah? Is it with her Noah is with this night? OMG!!!"

"We are Here" I said 

"Thanks Carols".  "You are welcome".  As he turned the car, I got into the house.
It was 9pm Emmy was already asleep but mom wasn't.

"Naleen dear, who came and drop you in that car?"

"Mom its the driver. I had to drop some stuffs at Mr Jason's house so he asked the driver to come drop me at home when am done."

"Ah ok your boss seems kind."  "Yes he is, if you see so i murmured" .  "So how was your day?"  "It was ok".

"Ok dear take your dinner its in the fridge warm it and after that go to bed ok".  "Yes ma."

As i was done with my dinner,  i when to shower and got to bed.

The next morning when I  arrived work he wasn't yet around and we had a board meeting in 30mins.

I tried calling him but to no avail. I was stressed out like hell. Then I saw him towards the elevator.
I was relieved.

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