Chaper 1

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"Sabine!! Hurry up or else you'll be late for school!!" Hera called up the stairs to her adopted daughter who was in her room, getting dressed for school "I'll be down in a minute!!" Sabine yelled back. Kanan chuckled as he drank his coffee "did Zeb leave already??" he asked his wife earning a nod "yeah, he wanted to go to the gym for an hour before work" she explained. Hera looked at the clock to see it was 8:30 "shouldn't you be off to work too??" she asked, the man looked at his watch as he stood up "yeah, I better" he put on his jacket "I'll see you later" he kissed his beautiful wife. "I love you" the woman stated with a smile "I love you too dear" he grabbed his bag "bye Sabine, love you!!" he called; the 16 year old came running down the stairs with her school bag and hugged the man "bye dad, love you too". After the hug, Kanan left for work; he worked as a police officer. "Okay Sabine, you ready to go??" Hera asked as they put on their jackets "yeah mum, I'm ready" they walked out the door, locked up and drove off in the Ghost; it was Hera's car that she LOVED!! Once dropping the girl off at school (she goes to 6 Form at a high school btw), Hera drove to work; she was a mechanic and owned her own garage. "Hey Ahsoka" she greeted the woman who was already working "hey Hera, can you pass me the spanner??" she asked from under the car; the woman did as asked "thanks". Once she got her overalls on, Hera began to work on a car that needed to be done by 1 O clock; after that she could go back home and relax.

With Kanan, he had arrived at the station and was sat in the meeting room; his boss, Officer Obi-Wan Kenobi, began to give jobs to all of the officers. "Kanan and Anakin, you two will be going on patrol and will also be given the Rebellion case" the two friends eyes widened but were fine with it, it meant they got a large raise "okay". After that, the two men got into the police car and began their patrol "I can't believe Kenobi gave us the Rebellion case, what will you do with the extra money??" Anakin asked, his friend thought for a moment "Hera and I have been saving up to take Zeb and Sabine on a vacation, so it will probably go to that" he stated "what about u??. Anaking shrugged, not sure at all. They looked around for a while as they drove "it's quiet today" Anakin stated; some one then yelled. "You're such a jinx" Kanan stated as they got out of the car. They ran to the sound of the yell and found a couple of men surrounding an old woman in an alley "give us the bag!!" one man demanded. Before the two officers could do anything, a hooded figire jumped from the roof in front of the woman "now, that's no way to talk to a lady" the figure stated, it was a male by the sounds of it, and a young male too. "We'll give you to the count of five to get lost kid, or there'll be hell to pay" one of the men stated making the kid laugh and smirk "I should say the same to you prats". Anakin whispered to the man "shouldn't we be doing our job and stopping this??" he asked with logic, but his friend shook his head "hold on, let's see what happens first". The men began to approach the kid, cracking their knuckles "you asked for it kid" after that, they began to attack. The boy...blocked every single blow and even beat the men to the ground. After a few minutes, all three men were lay of the ground, beaten and hurt "get lost now, or I won't go so easy on you next time!!" the kid stated, truth, anger and fire in his voice; the men quickly scrambled to their feet and ran away as quickly as possible. Kanan and Anakin were more than shocked "whoa". The hooded figure turned to the old woman "are you okay??" he asked in a gentle voice "I'll be fine, just shaken up" she said "thank you so much my dear, if you hadn't showed up when you did, I don't know what would of happened". Kanan decided to speak up to let them know he and his friend were there "everything okay??" it made the two jump and the figure become very on guard "it is now officers, this young boy just saved me from three thugs who were trying to steal my bag!!" she exclaimed. The officers nodded in understanding "okay, you'll both have to come down to the station to give statements and to give us details on what the men looked like" Anakin explained, but the boy gave a huffed laugh "not a chance" and before anyone could do anything, he ran out of the alley by the other side.

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