Chapter 2

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In the cop car, Ezra was sat in the back still in handcuffs, his head down; Kenobi was driving whilst Padme was on the phone "it'll just be for a few weeks...I should be able to find a perminant home for him after that...thank you!! You're the best" she stated "okay...see you then" and with that, she hung up. "You got a place for him??" Kenobi asked earning a nod "yeah, it's not forever, just a few weeks" Padme explained "thanks for coming and helping out Kenobi" she smiled; it was returned "no problem". After a while of driving, they parked up outside of a massive beautiful house "here we are" Padme turned in her seat to see teen "look Ezra, I know you have a reputation for running away from foster homes, but please just stay her for a few weeks" she asked "at least stay until your clean and healthy" the kid huffed "I'll think about it" he lied. She seemed to believe it and got out of the car, the cop did to and ot the boy out of the car; they walked over to the door. Padme knocked and waited for a minute, the door soon opened revealing a woman with a gentle smile "hi Padme, hi Kenobi" she greeted; they returned the greeting "hey Hera, thanks for doing this at such short notice". The woman, Hera, soon saw the kid "and you must be Ezra, it's nice to meet you" she was going to shake his hand when she saw the handcuffs "he's a kid, not a criminal Kenobi" she insisted; the man unlocked the cuffs and took them away. "Do you have any bags?? Clothes??" Hera asked when she only saw the back pack on the teens back "nope, got everything I need in here" was all Ezra said. Padme handed a file to her friend "I have to go, give me a call if you need anything" she stated, Hera nodded before they said goodbye.

"Come on in Ezra" she insisted, gently guiding him in; Ezra really just wanted to run out of there. They walked into a room that looked like a kitchen "are you hungry?? I was going to make some cobs" Hera asked, Erza thought about it and slowly nodded; he thought 'might as well get some food whilst I'm here'. The woman made the cobs and grabbed two packets of crisps; she placed them on the table and the two ate in silence. Hera decided to try to start a conversation "so how's your shoulder?? Padme said you cut it on some glass" she asked earning a shrug "it's fine...didn't really hurt" Ezra stated; it made the woman smile 'it's a star'. "Is there anything you'd like to ask?? Or tell me??" she asked, earning yet another shrug "what's the point?? I'll be leaving soon anyway" he stated; Hera frowned "you'll be here for quite a few weeks Ezra, might as well get to know each other" the kid realised she didn't know his 'reputation of running away' as Padme put it. "...Well, as you know my name is Hera, I have a husband called Kanan, he should be home at 5 from work" she began "together Kanan and I adopted two teens, Zeb is the oldest at 18, he works at a gun shop a couple of streets away, and then we have Sabine who's 16 and is in 6 form" Ezra did listen to what she had to say "how old are you??" she asked; the boy raised a brow "aren't you just going to read the file??" he asked. The woman nodded "I will when Kanan is back, but I'd rather you tell me somethings". Ezra thought about it for a moment "fine, my name is Ezra Bridger and I'm 14 years old" he stated making Hera smile "do you have any likes and dislikes??" she asked earning a shrug "I don't know...I don't have time to do things like...but I have a few dislikes" he added the last bit when he saw the womans smile begin to fall. "Yeah?? Like what??" she asked in curiousity, this made the kid sigh "well em...I hate cops that's for sure" this made the woman wince "what??" Hera sighed "my husband, Kanan....he's a cop" that earned her a groan from the boy "great" sarcasm dripping out of his mouth. "He's a good officer Ezra, I actually think you two will get along the most out of all of us" she stated, the boy rolled his eyes "friends with a cop?? Not a chance". Hera wondered why Ezra had a problem with police officers, she decided to not ask and wait to read the files with Kanan "any other dislikes??" she asked; the both though for a moment before saying "...belts" he hesitated. Hera's eyes widened "w...why do you hate belts??" she asked but the teen wouldn't say "okay...if you ever want to tell me something, I'll always make time for you" she stated "why don't you go get a shower?? I left some towels in the bathroom for you" she asked earning a nod "...okay".

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