Chaper 6

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Just like the day before, the small family found Ezra lay asleep in the garden; they didn't go out to him this time so they wouldn't accidentally wake him. "I'll make him some more fruit salad" Kanan stated once the three finished eating their breakfast "can you make me some too dad?? School are crap at any kind of salads" Sabine asked earning a nod "sure sweetie". Sabine and Hera got ready for school and work whilst the man made the salad; he heard the door open "morning" a voice spoke. It was Ezra. "Morning kid, go get a shower and the fruit salad will be ready when you're done" Kanan stated earning a nod "okay". On his way to the bathroom, Ezra passed the teen girl "morning Ezra, do you want to go to the park when I get back from school??" she asked earning a shrug "sure" the girl smiled before walking down stairs. He then bumped into Hera "morning Ezra, did you have a good sleep??" she asked with a smile "yeah, thanks Hera" he then asked "where are the towels I used yesterday??". The woman thought for a moment "I put them in the washer last night, you can use a clean towel" she stated "the towels are in the airing cupboard in the bathroom". Ezra thanked the woman "you're welcome Ezra, I'll see you later after work" she gave him a kiss on the forehead before walking downstairs in a rush; she was running late. Ezra was frozen in place, the only woman that had ever kissed him on the forehead was his mum. He snapped out of the trance and walked into the bathroom, shaking his head to clear hs mind; he took the shower and was out within five minutes. He got dressed into his usual clothes before walking downstairs; he sat at the table and began to eat his food. Hera and Sabine had already left for work and school; they were running late as it was. "When are these appointments??" Ezra asked as Kanan sat down to eat his breakfast "we need to be at the doctors in half an hour so we'll leave in fifteen minutes, then you're dentist appointment is straight after" he explained "after that, we're going to the mall to get you some clothes, suppiles and just things you need and want". The boys eyes widened " don't have to do that, I'm good with what I have" he stated; the man sighed "no offence kid but you don't exactly...have anything other than the clothes on your back and whatever the hell is in that back pack of yours" he said. Ezra rolled his eyes and finished his salad, knowing he was gonna lose this fight; Kanan smirked at his victory.

As soon as the fifteen minutes passed, the two jumped into the car and drove for the doctors office. Once they arrived, Kanan led the way into the building; they sat in the waiting area. "This is a waste of time, this whole day is" the man heard Ezra mumble; Kanan rolled his eyes but didn't say anything. Soon enough, a woman called out "Ezra Bridger" the two stood up and walked into the office. The doctor shook Kanan's hand "hi, I'm doctor Blake, what can I do for you today??" the man asked; Kanan explained "we're here for just a check up...Ezra here has never been to the doctors before". Doctor Blake was clearly surprised "right...okay then" he began to do the normal checks; he checked the boys temperature, ears, eyes, throat, height and weight. The doctor was fine with everything until he reached height and weight "can you take your shirt off and lie on the bed for me??" he asked although it was more of an order, the boy did as asked anyway. Kanan and the doctor felt slightly sick at the clear sight of Ezra's rib cage and bones but the hid it well "o...okay...let me know if it hurt at all when I press down" Doctor Blake began to press on the teens stomach, waist and chest. The boy didn't once say anything hurt or show any pain "okay, you can put your shirt back on and sit back up". The kid did as told again and sat in his previous seat "okay, since you've neverbeen to the doctors before, I'll guess you've not had your shots yet??" Doctor Blake asked earning a confused look from the kid "I'll take that as a no". A nurse walked into the room, gave the doctor the syringes before leaving again. "Okay, you'll feel a slight pinch for em...all of these" he mumbled the last part; there were....five needles!!! Kanan immediatly became nervous for the boy but Ezra seemed fine, looked like he would of even shrugged if he didn't need to hold still. Three minutes passed and the shots were done; Ezra didn't flinch one bit!!!! "Okay, all done" the doctor smiled "thanks doc" the two said; before they could leave, doctor Blake stopped Kanan "may I have a word??" he asked. Kanan nodded before turning to the kid "go wait in the car, I'll be there soon" he handed the keys over before walking back into the office. "What's up doc??" Kanan asked as they sat down, the man sighed "it's about Ezra's weight, it's very low which isn't healthy for a boy his age...or any age to be honest" that didn't sound good but Kanan expected something like this "yes, Ezra has had a tough past where he couldn't eat the amounts he needed, we're easing him into eating more" he explained "I've only just managed to get the kid to eat fruit salad, not that's all he eats". Doctor Blake nodded in understanding "that's good but he needs meat just as well as fruit, I recommend you nuy hims some tablets to help with all of his vitamins" he wrote a list before handing it over "okay, thank you". And with that, Kanan left and walked to the chemist across from the doctors; he bought the recommended tablets before getting back to the car. "What are these??" Ezra asked as he looked at what was in the bag "tablets, for you recommented by the doctor" the man explained earning a raised brow "for what??" he began to read the labels on the small tubs. He relaxed at the sight of 'Vitamin' all of them.

Kanan drove to the mall next, although Ezra kept protesting by saying he didn't have to. "Ezra, you're under Hera and my care now, we provide you things you need and sometimes want" Kanan stated for the fifth time; it didn't stop the kids protests though. They walked into the mall and into many shops, Kanan picked up things he knew Ezra needed but asked if he liked something or if he wanted anything; the boy always shrugged. The man understood where Ezra was coming from and felt bad "hey, how about after we finish shopping, we go grab a smoothie to take home??" Kanan asked earning a small nod "sure" that made him smile. They went in a few more shops before buying two smoothies and leaving, the whole boot of the car was completely full of bags. Ezra sat in silence as he drank his smoothie; truth be told, he was worried about everything now. What were the family gonna do with the clothes when he leaves?? He acually felt...bad. Wait...was he begining to care for the family?! "Here we are" Kanan's voice brought the kid out of his thoughts to see they were parked up outsdie the house; they got out, grabbed the bags and walked into the house. They put the bags in the teens room; Kanan went downstairs to do some work to let Ezra unpack himself. The boy did just that and was finished within ten minutes. He had:

5 Pairs of Jeans and Shorts.
6 Tops.
4 Vest Tops.
6 Shirts.
Some Socks and Boxers.
2 Pairs of Trainers.
1 Pair of Leather Boots.
Writing Supplies.
Art Supplies.
Some hair tyes.

Ezra sighed before deciding to have another shower; he had found out it surprisingly helped him think. Once he finished his shower, Ezra dressed into some of his new clothes; it really creeped him out!! He put on a pair of denim shorts and an orange V-neck, along with a pair of trainers and a navy blue hoodie. He walked down stairs and into the living room where Kanan was sat; the man looked up and smiled "looking good Ezra". The boy gave a small smile "em...thanks" he sat down on the sofa and watched tv; the show was about tattoos.

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