Chapter 7

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School was over and Sabine came home as soon as possible; she was excited to go to the park with Ezra. As soon as the bus dropped her off, she ran home and into her room yelling "let me get change and then we'll go to the park Ezra!!" Kanan and Ezra chuckled "okay!!". The girl changed into her light blue jeans, red convers, red crop top and then put her denim jacket on; she ran back down stairs and into the living room. "Ready to go??" Sabine asked earning a nod as Ezra stod up "yeah, let's go". Kanan stopped them "where exactly are you going??" he asked, his daughter rolled her eyes "we're just going to the park down the street dad, we'll be fine and I'll text you if we need you" she reassured earning a slow nod "okay, stay safe and have fun".

They left the house and walked down the road until they reached a field, in the field there was a park full of swings, slides and normal things there would be on a park. The two sat on the swings "how were your appointments today??" Sabine asked earning a shrug "they were alright, doctor gave me five shots, dentist told me off for not brushing but gave my teeth a clean" he explained "then we went to the mall and Kanan bought me a load of things" he clearly didn't like the mall; Sabine smiled "well if it helps, you have a good taste in fashion". They spoke about different things, mainly things to do with the teen girl and had a compertition on who could swing the highest. "Why is that guy staring at us??" Sabine asked, suttley pointing to across the field; Ezra stood up and pretended to stretch to look at where the girl said. The teen felt his body suddenly tense at who it was "crap" he mumbled "we better go" he stated; Sabine was worried and confused. "Why?? Who is that guy?? Do you know him Ezra??" she asked as the boy tried to pull her from the swing but she wouldn't move "who is he Ezra?!". Ezra groaned in annoyance "we need to leave Sabine!!" he insister but she still wouldn't move "tell me!!". Finally, the boy answered her "he's a dangerous man who has killed people before and gotten away with it, now can we leave?!" he asked; he didn't mean to but the girl became scared.

"Long time, no see" a voice spoke, the two teens turned around to see the man only 10 feet away from them; Ezra glared "what do you want Inquisitor?!". The man, Inquisitor just laughed "heard you found yourself a family, to bad they'll regret taking a street rat in" he smirked, Sabine became worried "they've got nothing to do with this Inquisitor!!" Ezra stated in anger, his glare good and strong but it just made the man smirk even more "they don't know do they??" he laughed, already knowing the answer. "Well, I've been here too long, time to finish this mission" he suddenly pulled out a knife; Ezra stepped in front of the girl who was now terrified. Inquisitor ran forward before he was punched to the floor by...."Bek!!" Ezra was so happy to see his older friend; Bek smiled "hey Ezra, how's it goin??". The rest of the Rebellion ran over and knocked Inquisitor unconsious "hey boss, how's the family life??" Kane asked with a smirk "shut it" was all Ezra said as the five boys laughed. Sabine spoke up "what the hell is going on Ezra!? Who are these people?! And why did that man try to kill us?!" she asked as she freaked out; all of the boys only just remembered she was there. "Boss, there might be more Imperials near by" Ortan stated "it might be best if you two don't go home straight away" they all agreed except Sabine "hell no!! I'm going home right now!!" she was about to run when Ezra grabbed her arm "you can't Sabine, not yet" he exclaimed "the Empire might follow you and then they'll know where we live" the girl stopped trying to go "fine!! Then were do we go Ezra?! What's going on?!" she asked in a panic. Ezra felt bad for the girl "I think the safest place is HQ boss" Jason stated but his boss didn't want Sabine to know about who he really was "it's your call" Bek said; Ezra thought for a moment before sighing. He turned to the girl "look Sabine, I know you have no reason to but I need you to trust me" Sabine didn't know "I've dealt with this guy for years Sabine, I promise I can keep you safe but I need you to trust me and do everything I say" the girl thought before slowly nodding "o...okay".

The six teens ran out of the field and through many allys until they reached the bin; they jumped down although Sabien wasn't sure. Once they were in, they ran into the office room "okay, you have a lot of explainign Ezra" Sabine statede as she sat down; the five teens sat down too. "Okay Sabine, I'll answer all of the questions you have" he stated; the questions began. "What is this place??" she began "this is the HQ for...the Rebellion" Ezra slowly explained; they girls eyes widened "what!? Why the hell are we here?!". Bek spoke up "I guess that brings us to the question about who we are??" he asked earning a nod; Ezra once again explained "em....we're the...Rebellion, as five". Sabine was silent for a moment "wh...what??". Ezra repeated himself but made it a bit more clear "the gang 'the Rebellion'...we're that gang, just us five" they gave her time for it t sink in "okay....okay, so which one of you charge??" Sabine slowly asked; all eyes turned to Ezra "em...that would be me". The girl's eyes widened once again "what?! You're telling me, the leader of the gang that my dad is trying to take down...has been living under his roof for the past three days!?" she yelled; the four other boys slowly nodded "yep, pretty much". That earned them a glare "not helping" was all he said before turning back to the girl "look Sabine, the Rebellion aren't what you think, we help people" she just rolled her eyes. Ezra thought for a moment "go out there, talk to people and then come back ehr in five minutes" he instructed; Sabine raised a brow before doing as told.

Sabine walked through the door and was shocked to the max. There were so many people lounging around in a massive room, some sleeping, others talking and lots more. She walked around and saw a children;s area, Sabien smiled at the sight of ten little kids playing tag; she walked over to another area to see people sat and making things. "Are you okay dearie??" an old woman asked with a kind smile, it was returned "I'm okay thank you...could you tell me what the Rebellion are like??" she asked earning a nod "of course!!". The two sat down "I've been here with my son, daughter-in-law and grandson for...a year now" that was a shock "the Empire were threatening my son after he yelled at one of them for throwing a brick through his car window, after that our lives have gone down hill...they took everything we had" she sighed. Sabine allowed her to take her time "turns out though, my grandson was apart of the Rebellion!! He spoke to Spero who was his best first and we were immediatly welcomed here" Sabine smiled at that; the people. "If it weren't for the Rebellion...I believe the Empire would of killed Bek, my son, daughter-in-law and myself" the woman said; Sabine nodded "thank you for telling me that". The girl walked for a little longer before returning to the room. Ezra was sat with his friend; they stopped talking when she walked in.

"Okay so the Rebellion are good, but I thought the Empire were a quiet gang??" Sabine stated as she sat down, the boys laughed "yeah, the words 'quiet' and 'Empire' should never be in the same sentence" Ortan stated. Ezra explained "the Empire are the worst, they kill, hurt, break and everything....we stand against them which makes them try to take us down" he sighed; another question popped into Sabine asked. "Why??" it confused the boys but Ezra and Bek who both smiled "becasue it gives people hope, knowing there's someone out there helping them, being on their gives them hope" Bek explained before Ezra said "and if we don't...who will??". Sabine smiled "this is...amazing Ezra...I'll take it you don't want me telling anyone??" she asked earning nods "the man that tried to kill us...he'll be after you as well as me now" Ezra began "I can protect you Sabine...but I can't garrenty the safety of the others, that's why it's safer for them if they don't know". The girl was quiet for a while and they allowed her to think "...okay...I won't tell anyone" they all smiled "thank you Sabine" Ezra said with a smile "yeah....when can we go home??" she asked. Bek spoke up "K, O and J will look around before giving us the all clear, then you can go" he stated "I'll take you guys home, just incase".

The three boys went to look around as said before giving the all clear; the three snuck out of HQ before walking home. "Kanan wants me to go to school next week" Ezra stated earning a laugh from his friend "you gonna be okay with that??" Bek asked earning a shrug "I haven't go a choice" Sabine smiled "relax, you'll prbably go to my school so you can hang out with me" she stated. Soon enough, they reached the house; Bek and Ezra hugged "let me know when you get back to HQ" the younger boy ordered "will do". They parted "see you around, nice meeting you Sabine" Bek said before leaving "you too Bek". They walked into the house "we're back!!" Sabine yelled before going into the living room "hey you two, how was the park??" Hera asked; her and Kanan were sat watching tv. "It was okay, I'm gonna go finish some homework" the teen girl stated before running up stairs into her room. "You okay Ezra??" Kanan asked earning a nod "I'm fine, I'll be in my room if you need me" he said before doing the same as Sabine.

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