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11:25 AM

Daniel leapt to his feet when he heard the sound of a gun going off. It was impossible for him not to hear the negotiation process and he knew deep down that the possibility that Sanjana would make it out unhurt was really slim, but he refused to believe it and hoped against hope. He looked out of his window but could not see anything except kilometres and kilometres of green fields on all sides. His class did not face the side in which the police had their base set up. Daniel waited for something to happen, although he did not know what it was. He probably wanted the door to open and Sanjana walk into the room. He refused to believe the possibility that Sanjana was most probably dead. Mike and Chris tried to talk to him but he was shut off from this world. Emma stared at the wall, her face bare of emotions. 

Daniel knew it from the beginning that this was a no brainer. Twenty minutes and one billion dollars were nothing short of impossible and they knew it. Every scenario would have ended in them killing Sanjana. Chris and Mike gave up after a few minutes and walked around the class asking if everything was well. Nobody entered the class. There was no sign of the men who had taken Sanjana away.

11:35 AM

Daniel was staring out of the window. His eyes started into the sky. Emma finally stood up and walked up to him. "She is gone, isn't she?" She asked Daniel, her voice soft and filled with nothing but grief. "I don't know." Daniel replied. "Don't bullshit me, Dan. She is gone isn't she?" Emma asked again. "I SAID I DON'T KNOW!" Daniel snapped back at her. Emma took a step back, shocked at the sudden outburst. "Have some water, Em." Mike said, as he gave her his water bottle. "I don't need it." She replied. "You need to drink some water, Em. Please." He asked. Emma walked away from Daniel, leaving him alone with his thoughts. He did not understand his emotions at that moment. His emotions were like a raging storm. He was angry, he was anxious thinking about what was going to happen next but most importantly he was scared. He knew that taking out his anger on Emma was wrong, but right now, he was not in control of himself. 

"You know taking out your anger at Emma was stupid, right?" Chris asked Daniel. "Don't start with your bullshit now, Chris." Daniel replied, waving him away. "What the hell is wrong with you? Since when did you start behaving like this?" Chris asked him. "Since they shot Sanjana to death." He replied, not making eye contact with Chris. "C'mon man. We don't know that." Chris said. "You know it is over." Daniel replied, burying his head in his palms. Chris did not know what to say. He was keeping himself together for the sake of his friends. 

Suddenly, the same gunman, who had dragged Sanjana outside appeared at the door, and walked into the class. Daniel turned around and looked at the man, not speaking a single word. However, the gunman did not miss the opportunity to aggravate Daniel further. "I killed her with this gun I'm holding here right now." He said, with his heavy accent. "You know? She held out the peace sign as I put this bullet in her head. Such a young mind, so naive, to believe that there can be peace in this world filled with hate. I did not kill your friend. Your government did." He continued. "One billion dollars? Twenty minutes? What were you expecting?" Mike asked him. "It was their plan all along. She would end up dead anyways." Daniel managed to say, his voice hollow. The gunman stared at Daniel for a few seconds, and said "Clever boy, aren't you?". The gunman left the room and Daniel broke down.

12:00 PM

"You have to eat something." Mike said, as he tried to persuade Daniel into eating something. Chris was trying the same with Emma. Both Chris and Mike both tried to hide their emotions for the sake of their friends. Their classmates, looking at the state Daniel was in, were becoming more and more anxious by the passing second. Chris and Mike were trying to keep the class together. 

Except for the occasional gunfire and the yells which followed, the school remained eerily calm. Like the calm before the storm. 


Location: Defense Complex

"Sir, they shot the girl." A young man reported to the Defense Minister. "Where are the paramilitary forces?" The Minister asked. "They have landed at the airport, sir. They are making their way to the school. But I do not see any opportunity right now in taking back control of the school." The man said. "Opportunities don't show themselves very often, young man, they come and go in a second. We must be ready to catch them before they disappear." The Minister replied. "What about the money and the prisoners, sir?" The man asked. "It was just something to keep us busy. They knew we wouldn't get the money ready and release the prisoners on time. They girl was to die anyway." He replied. "Are you sure?" The man asked him. "They are children. It pains my heart to see this situation. I will not take any chances." He replied and walked over to the situation room. 


Thanks for reading this chapter! I know I've updated after a long time! The Breaking Point is very different from Mission Orion and this one is more related to the current happenings in the world rather than being set in the distant future like Mission Orion is. 

I will be open to any suggestions and as always, constructive criticism is always appreciated. I would also like to update the book cover so if anyone is interested, please message me. Thanks a lot! 


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⏰ Last updated: Aug 16, 2017 ⏰

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