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So I've been stuck on this story for a while - that's why it's been so long since I've updated. I've actually been lost on all of my stories lately, and that's why there's a new one, although it's only got two chapters so far. But this story just sort of came to me out of no where and that's why it's being updated so much. It may end soon, I'm not sure yet. I'm hoping to get at least another 9 chapters out (after this one so it makes it to 20), but who knows. We'll see what happens.

& thanks a ton to everyone who's reading, it means a lot <3


Brendon can't remember the last time he had a full nights sleep, uninterrupted and peaceful.

Oh. Wait. Yes he can.

It was when he was last with Ryan. You know, before he left the man sleeping in the hallway.

His phone has been ringing off the hook for hours, but he doesn't know that because it's in the pocket of his jeans -which are on the floor at the end of the hotel bed- on silent.

He's currently being held in Ryan's arms, sound asleep for the first time in years Ryan's staring at the boys face with complete adoration and admiration. 

Ryan thought he'd never see this beautiful human being ever again, in fact he was certain he'd never see him again. He almost, almost, thinks that there must be a God somewhere. Why else would Brendon be lying in his arms right now if there wasn't a God?

Ryan's heart rate picks up when Brendon stirs, opening his eyes and looking at Ryan in confusion. Like he's trying to piece things together, realizing he isn't dreaming, no, this is all real. 

"Morning." Ryan says softly.

Brendon closes his eyes, stretches, and hums.

"What time is it?" He turns in Ryan's arms to lie on his back and he stares up at the ceiling.

"Don't know." Ryan says, sleep in his voice. "I didn't bother to look."

The curtains in the hotel room are dark-out curtains, so the room still looks like it did last night, giving off the affect that it's dark outside.

Brendon gets up on his elbows and looks over Ryan to look at the clock on the nightstand beside the bed.

The big, bright red numbers read 11:42am.

"Fuck." He rushes to get out of bed and scurries to find his jeans. First, he picks up Ryan's jeans, soon realizing they're not his when he doesn't find a phone in the pocket, but instead finds a pack of cigarettes. He could use one of those right about now.

Brendon finds his own piece of clothing and he digs his phone out of the pocket.


94 missed calls is what Brendon reads on the screen.

"Everything okay?" Ryan doesn't want to ask, but does anyway, because he's worried that Brendon was supposed to go home to someone else and instead slept in his arms all night.

"No." Brendon says. "Yeah." He then says, confusing Ryan and making Ryan raise an eyebrow. "My roommate."

"Is he gonna be mad that you're not home?" Brendon rolled his eyes at Ryan, not that Ryan could see because Brendon's back was facing him. Unless of course Ryan could see through the backs of peoples head, then yeah, he saw that.

"She," Brendon corrects. "and she's not gonna be mad. Just worried." 

Ryan wonders why Brendon's female roommate would be worried about him. How close are they? Did Brendon suddenly decide to date girls after he left?

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