Lord and Prisoner

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Natalia's POV

"Captain Fox, we are ready to set sail" Washington tells me.

"Then set sail" I tell him and he leaves my cabin. It's been a year since I was home in Port Royal and seen my family. But I feel soon at home here out on the sea. My crew had successfully infiltrated the pirating community and I have meet a few of the pirate lords. I even meet the keeper of the code, who turns out to be Jack's father. I never mention that in my reports though.

"Captain we have left Singapore and are on the open sea" Parker says after knocking on my door. I smile and head to the helm with him at my side telling me about the ship's condition.

"Sounds good Parker, I want this ship cleaned stem to stern before we reach Port Royal" I tell him.

"Aye captain" he says nodding his head before leaving. We are on our way to Port Royal as I had received a letter from my sister. She is finally marrying Will in three days and made me her maid of honour. I had brought a dress already and now all I need to do is get there on time.

(Two days later)

We have finally reached Port Royal and we had changed back into our navy uniforms. We also took down our pirate flag and the crew got back to normal pretty quickly. Talking and acting like a navy crew instead of a pirate one. Of course there are a few slip ups, but we have ironed it out. At least I hope we have.

"You all enjoy your time here, we'll be here for about a week. So relax and enjoy your free time" I tell the crew. They all said 'yes maam'  and then started getting ready to tie us to the dock. Once that was down I paid the man on the dock the docking fee before heading to the governor's manor.

"Tell my father I am home and am in my sister's room" I tell the maid before heading to Elizabeth's room. "You look beautiful Elizabeth" I state seeing her trying on her wedding dress. She squeals hugging me tightly before going to change.

"I'm so glad you made it" Elizabeth says as she reappears in a normal dress. "Has it really been a year?" she asks and I nod my head. "Happy Birthday then" she says hugging me again. Just then there was a knock at the door and Elizabeth says "come in". Dad enters the room and gives me a big hug.

"I am so glad you have returned safely Natalia" dad says smiling. We all catch up before I tell them I was going to see Will. Dad reminded me to be back in time for dinner and I nod my head. I soon reached the black smith's to see Will working.

"Shouldn't you be resting the day before your wedding?" I ask him smirking.

"Natalia!" he cheers giving me a hug. "I have something for you" he states pulling away.

"Not a dress is it?" I ask in a teasing tone and he chuckles. Then reveals a long box and places it on the table. I open it to see the most beautiful sword I've ever seen. (Link to the sword: https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/236x/f5/a4/f8/f5a4f8caca6787521052ab2768a76c7d.jpg).

"I knew you'd like it, happy birthday" he says smiling as I test it out. "Now it does need a final clean, but I thought you'd want to see it anyway" he tells me. "So how was the open sea?" he asks as we sit down.

"It was amazing, I meet many people even meet Jack's father" I state.

"Wow, I didn't know he had a father, want was he like?" Will asks.

"Sane" I say and we chuckle. "Now I must return to the manor, I'll see you tomorrow at your wedding" I tell him. We hug one last time before I head back up to the manor not knowing I was being watched.

(Next day)

I stand by Elizabeth in my bridesmaid dress and her in her wedding dress on the aisle in the rain. Will wasn't here yet and the guests left wanting to get out of the rain. We heard a bunch of footsteps and turn to see navy soldiers behind us. They had Will in chains as we approached them. "As captain of the royal navy, I order you to release that man at once" I order them.

Dad appears saying the same thing as I did and I turn to see a man I despise more then anything. "Weatherby Swann and Natalia my dear it's been to long" Beckett says removing his coat.

"I'm not your anything" I snap.

"Cutler Beckett?" Dad says.

"It's lord now actually" Beckett says.

"Lord or not, you have no reason or authority to arrest this man" I state pointing to Will.

"Actually I can, the warrant for the arrest of one William Turner" he says handing something to Dad.

"This warrant is for Elizabeth Swann" Dad states.

"Really, that's annoying arrest her" Beckett orders and I go to fight the soldier. But I am restrained. "Ah here's the one for William Turner and one for you as well my dear" he says while I glare at him. "And I have an other for a James Norrington, is he present?" he asks.

"Commodore Norrington resigned a few months ago" I state. "Now under the category of questions not answered" I add.

"We are under the protection of the crown and you will tell us what we are charged with" Elizabeth adds.

"The charge is helping a convicted pirate sentence to death escape for which the punishment is..." dad trails off.

"For which the punishment is also death" Beckett finishes. "Also the strip of your rank Natalia" he adds and I glare at him. "Perhaps you remember a certain pirate, named Jack Sparrow" he states.

"Captain" the three of us state.

"Captain Jack Sparrow" Elizabeth and I correct him.

"Captain Jack Sparrow...yes, I thought you might" Beckett says smirking. Suddenly we were all taken to the cells Elizabeth and I put in a different one to Will. I punch a wall before sitting down. Soon guards appeared and took Will to see "Lord" Beckett.


Picture above of Natalia's bridesmaid dress and picture on the external link of Elizabeth in her wedding dress.

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