Search for a Sparrow

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Natalia's POV

We reached Tortuga and I went to one of the pubs where I kept spare clothes. Once I was dressed as a pirate again I paid the barman. Then head towards the dock where I left Will to ask about Jack's whereabouts. I found out at the bar he was seen in Singapore.

I spot Will and see him being slapped by at woman before she and the other one left. "Who were they? Why did they hit you?" I ask him.

"Friends of Jack's and the hit is a message for him. They haven't seen him in a month, no one knows where he is" Will states. "What's with the outfit?" he asks.

"I'm here as a pirate and I couldn't go around dressed in a brides maid's dress. I found out Jack was spotted in Singapore recently" I state.  "Don't worry I know the way, but best to keep a low profile there. One of the pirate lords resides there and he is much like Barbossa, maybe even worse. He's not a fine of Captain Fox as she destroyed one of his ships" I explain.

With that we return to the dingy and set sail to Singapore. Once there we walked around the docks asking for new of Jack. Lots of people thought he was dead. We were soon pointed to a Shrimper who was wiving a net. "Cannot say about Jack Sparrow. But dere's a island, just south of de straits, where I trade spice for... mmm... delicious long pork. Cannot say about Jack. But you find a ship dere. A ship wit' black sails" he explains.

"Can you take us to it? I'll pay you handsomely" I tell him.

"Anything for you Captain Fox, besides you saved me with that warning of an approaching storm" he states. So he takes us to his ship and we set sail immediately. We soon reach the island and I look through the spy glass as the beached Black Pearl. "My brother will take you ashore" Shrimper tells us.

A longboat is lowered and I get in with Will & Shrimper's brother. He rows us towards the island but stops half-way. "This is where we get off, Merci Monsieur" I tell the man. Then jump into the water and begin swimming to shore Will not far behind me. Once we reached shore I wave at the ship leaving and we head to the pearl. "There's something about this island, that seems very familiar" I mumble.

"Have you been here before?" Will asks.

"No, Edward told me about a few islands to avoid at all costs. I think this is one of them" I state.

"Whose Edward? And why avoid it? It looks fine" Will says.

"He's Jack's father and I can't remember, just stay on alert" I tell him as we reached the pearl. We start to call fir Jack and other members of his crew. But no one answers.

"Let's search the jungle" Will suggests.

"You're crazy, I'm not going in there without a weapon. You go ahead I'll catch up" I tell him. With that Will enters the jungle alone while I board the ship in search of a weapon. I find a pistol with one shot, knife and sword. Armed I enter the jungle searching for Will and Jack. I hear Will's shouts and run towards them.

To find him hanging upside down unconscious surrounded by tribal people. I now remember why Edward told me to avoid this island. It is inhabited by cannibals. But I couldn't leave Will to die so I attack sword and knife in hand. Soon I feel a prick in my neck and everything goes dark as I collapse.

(Waking up)

I wake up in a hat with someone beside me and go for my pistol. "No need for that love" the person tells me.

"Jack!" I exclaim and look at him. "What's with the get up? Where's Will and your crew?" I ask.

"They're locked up in cages and I am the chief here with you as my bride" he explains.

"Bride?" I ask annoyed glaring at him.

"The cannibals believe me to be a god and you my goddess. They intend to release us from our fleshy prisons. By cooking then eating us" he explains.

"Well that's not happening, we have to find the others and get out of here" I tell him as I stand up.

"That's what we're doing now, come along and be quite" he tells me. So we sneak through the village and arrive at an other hut next to a cliff. We go inside looking for something we can use and Jack asks "how many shoots do you have?"

"Only one, and I'll use on myself before I allow myself to be roasted alive" I state. Jack grabs rope and notices a tin of paprika with the EITC (East India Trading Company) logo. We exist the hut to see the whole village of cannibals waiting. "Now what?" I ask Jack in a whisper.

All he does is open the tin of paprika and covers himself in it. "A little seasoning" he states. He is tied to a wooden pole and I'm lead back to the fire. I am made to sit on the throne as Jack was placed over the unlit fire wood. "Good job" he tells the cannibals. Just as the fire was about to be lit a boy runs into the camp. He said something about a prisoner escape.

Jack orders the cannibals to go get the prisoners and the torch is dropped. "Natalia, I could use a little help" Jack says.

"Only if you promise to give me your compass" I tell him. Just as sparks hit the fire wood.

"Ok, deal now get me out of this!" he shouts. I get up and push him off away from the fire. "Cut me loose" he states.

"With what? All I have is a pistol, they took my sharp weapons" I tell him.

"Never mind, get back to the ship I'll find a way to cut myself loose" he tells me.

"Whatever, see you on the ship" I say before running away towards the pitch. When I get there I notice two pirates from Barbossa's old crew preparing the ship to sail. "I'll get your eye back, cast of those lines!" I shout at the skinny one as I climb on deck.

Gibbs and Will appear with four other crew members. Soon Jack appears with the whole tribe of cannibals on his tail. I help Marty aboard and Will. As we start to leave Jack climbs onto the netting on the side of the ship. He went to give his usual speech when a wave hit him. Once he was aboard there was an argument about where to go and it was decided we'd travel up river.

I was grateful, the longer I was away the longer I remained free of Beckett's control. Jack gave me the compass and I put it in my pocket. I didn't tell Will I had it or he'd want to go back straight away.


Picture above of Natalia's outfit and picture on the external link of the Black Pearl beached.

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