Journey to Isla Cruces

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Natalie's POV

I watch as James works on his hands and knees, head bare scrubbing the deck with his wig. Jack's boots appears before him -- taps, then uses his toe to indicate a spot. I glare at him annoyed. "A bit of manual labor is good for you, James. It builds character" Jack tells him.

"Leave him alone Jack" I snap and Jack leaves him to go talk to Elizabeth. "You ok James?" I ask him.

"Yeah, why are you here?" he asks me confused.

"Lord Cutler Beckett has taken over and had me fired. Took away my ship and crew, now I'm trying to save my loyal crew members. Only way is to bring Jack's compass to Beckett and to..." I trail off. "Take a break" I tell him before going to sit by Elizabeth. "Hey, hows my crew?" I ask her smiling.

"They're dead Natalie" she tells me.

"What? But Beckett said" I start to say.

"He lied, they were already sentenced to death when he let you leave with Will" she states. "Beckett only said that, so that you'd marry him" she adds in a whisper.

"Well that's never happening now" I tell her. "You and Will are both safe from him" I state. "What are those?" I ask as she takes out a letter with ink bottle and quill pen. Just as she was about to write something, someone nicks the letter from her.

"Hey, give those back" she snaps when we see Jack reading the letter.

"These Letters of Marque are supposed to go to me, are they not?" he asks us. As we stand behind him and he looks at the bottom of the page. "There's a signature" he states.

"Yes, they are signed. Lord Cutler Beckett, of the East India Trading Company" Elizabeth explains. This catches Gibbs attention and he walks over.

"Will and you were working for Beckett?" he asks me.

"And never said a word" Jack adds.

"I had my reasons and now I no longer do" I tell them.

"Beckett wants the Compass. Only one reason for that" Gibbs states.

"Of course, he wants the chest" Jack says.

"He did say something about a chest" Elizabeth tells us.

"If the Company controls the chest, they'll control the sea. Actually Beckett will control the sea" I state.

"A truly discomforting notion luv" Jack states.

"Bad for every mother's son what calls himself pirate! I think there's a bit more speed to be coaxed out of these sails" Gibbs states. Before leaving to go order the crew to make us go faster.

"May I inquire as to how you came by these?" Jack asks Elizabeth and I look at her. I to am curious on how she got them.

"Persuasion" she states.

"Friendly?" we ask her.

"Decidedly not" she replies.

"Funny thing. Will strikes a deal for these and upholds it with honor. But you're the one standing here with the prize" Jack states. Elizabeth and I look at him surprised. "Full pardon ... commission as a privateer on behalf of England and the East India Trading Company" he reads aloud. I notice James look at us before going back to scrubbing. "As if I could be brought for such a low price" he states putting the letters into his jacket pocket.

"Jack. The letters? Give them back" Elizabeth says.

"Persuade me" he tells her smirking.

"You know Will taught me how to wield a sword" she tells him.

"As I said, persuade me" he says before walking off and I follow him.

"Jack I feel I must explain myself" I state as we enter his cabin.

"Oh you mean how you're turning into a true pirate and only caring about yourself?" he asks me.

"NO!" I snap annoyed. "I was a captain in the royal navy, my mission was to infiltrate the pirate community with my crew. Which we did successfully by the way. But when I returned to Port Royal for Elizabeth and Will's wedding I was arrested. A few loyal crew members tried to rescue me and were imprisoned.

Beckett said if I married him, he'd set them and Elizabeth free along with Will. I only asked that I come with Will to find you. Have one more taste of freedom before I was confined to land for the rest of my days. As Mrs Cutler Beckett" I snap. "But Elizabeth just told me he killed my loyal crew members. So now I have no reason to return as Elizabeth is safe and Will is on the Flying Dutchman. Now I only want to retrieve my ship your father is minding and continue on with my new pirate life" I explain.

"So you infiltrated the pirate community and reported everything back to the king?" he asks me.

"Not everything, the most damaging information I kept to myself. I loved the pirate life and want to live it for real. I couldn't do that if the royal navy knew about the pirate lords locations, where Shipwreck Cove is. Or anything else like that" I state. "Jack once you have the chest, I'm leaving" I tell him.

"Where would you?" he asks me.

"Shipwreck cove, I need to make a new life for Elizabeth and I. Free Will and have him sent there. We can all be safe from Beckett there" I tell him.

"Well let's make the most of our last adventure then" he states handing me a bottle of rum.

"No Jack, I want to keep a clear head" I tell him. "I'm going to the crows nest and keep an eye out for Isla Cruces" I state. Before leaving and climb into the crows nest re-leaving Marty of duty. About forty-five minutes later I shout "Land Ho!" and swing down onto the deck to help out.


Picture above of James and Elizabeth now. Picture on the external link of the signed letters of marque.

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