Sisterly Reunion

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Natalie's POV

"You coming luv?" Jack asks me. We'd just arrived in Tortuga and I cleaning my pistol.

"Sure, why not? I have nothing better to do" I state. I put my pistol back in it's holster and put my sword belt on. Jack, Gibbs and I head to a pub to sign up crew members. When we get there I give Jack his compass to borrow. I head over to the bar tender and ask for news of the ghost Rider.

"The new captain was not accepted by the pirate community and they've been cast out. Most of the crew were killed and Edward took owner ship of the Ghost Rider. He say Captain Fox has a month to come and reclaim her ship at Shipwreck cove. But she has to sail under his colours" he tells me.

"Thank you, I'll be sure to go there as soon as I possibly can" I tell him. Before buying a rum and giving him a handsome tip. "So how are we doing?" I ask Gibbs as I sit beside him.

"We have four" he states as he accepts the rum. Just as an other drunk man appears in front of us. "And what's your story?" Gibbs asks him.

"My story? It's exactly the same as your story, just one chapter behind. I chased a man across the seven seas. The pursuit cost me my crew... my commission... and my life" he explains taking a swig of rum.

"Commodore" Gibbs and I say surprised.

"No, not anymore. Weren't you listening?" he demands. "So do I make your crew or not?" he asks us. "You haven't said where you're going, somewhere nice!" he exclaims turning our table over. Gibbs and I avoided being hurt as James draws a pistol waving it around.

"So am I worthy to serve under Captain Jack Sparrow..." he says. Pointing the pistol as Jack, who had been hiding behind a pillar. "Or should I just kill you now?" he asks. Jack goes from one side of the pillar to another and James' pistol follows him.

"You're hired" Jack tells him.

"Sorry old habits and all" James says cocking his pistol. Two men grab him and make him fire at the ceiling instead of Jack.

"Easy sailor, that's our captain you're threatening" he them state. As a bar brawl started. Jack said is was time to leave and Gibbs agreed. Sighing I follow them out of the bar as Jack tries on different hats.

"Jack Sparrow!" someone calls as we reach the docks.

"Come to join my crew, lad? Welcome aboard!" Jack tells the person.

"I'm here to find the man I love" the same person spoke.

"I'm deeply flattered, son, but my first and only love is the sea" Jack says.

"Meaning William Turner, Captain Sparrow" she says.

"Elizabeth!" I cheer and hug her tightly as I hear Jack tell Gibbs to hide the rum. "How'd you get away? Are you hurt?" I ask her.

"I'm fine Natalie" she assures me as Jack turns to us.

"You know, these clothes do not flatter you at all. It should be a dress or nothing. I happen to have no dress in my cabin" he tells Elizabeth. "Do you luv?" he asks me and I shake my head.

"Jack I know Will came to find you with Natalie, where is he?" Elizabeth asks him. I go to speak, but Jack gives me a pointed look.

"Darling, I am truly unhappy to have to tell you this. But through an unfortunate and entirely unforeseeable series of circumstances that have nothing, whatsoever, to do with me. Poor William has been press-ganged into Davy Jones' crew" he tells her.

"Davy Jones?" Elizabeth says confused as the man beside pukes.

"Oh please, the captain of the Flying Dutchman" James says.

"You look bloody awful. What are you doing here?" Jack asks him. I had to agree, James does look awful.

"You hired me, remember? I can't help it if your standards are lax" James says and I giggle.

"He is a pirate James" I remind him.

"You smell funny" Jack tells him.

"Jack, all I want is to save Will" Elizabeth tells him.

"Are you certain? Is that what you really want most?" Jack asks her.

"Of course" Elizabeth tells him.

"Because I'd think you would want to find a way to save Will most" Jack tells her. I finally realize where he's going with this. He was going to use her to find the heart of Davy Jones. Jack must believe Will will free himself of Davy Jones with the key and meet up with us. I come back to the present when Jack announces we have a heading.

"Finally" Gibbs says.

"Miss Swanns" Jack says and I board the Pearl with Elizabeth. Jack behind us with Pintel and Ragetti. James behind them carrying a goat. I take Elizabeth to my private cabin to talk and catch up.


Picture above of James and Elizabeth.

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