A Nacho's Tale

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Since the beginning of time, the land of Nachs has been at peace. Its inhabitants, the nacho-kind, triangular shaped creatures, has managed to establish a peaceful settlement just outside Guacamole Woods. But all peace must end, or expire in this case. 

The oldest of the nacho-kind, Doritor, fell ill to a sickness unknown to any of the others of his kind. He became, soft, and mould began enveloping as time passes. The disease was known as "The Expiration Plague" as the other nachos who reach a certain age starts to show symptoms too. 

A well known sage, Torrtila, said that there is only one cure for it. It is a kind of serum, the one she named "The Preservant Serum" which is found beyond Guacamole woods, the only known way in and out of Nachs. A group of 12 nachos are sent to retrieve the serum, but before they leave, they are warned. Never before had any nacho-kind wandered into Guacamole woods ever return save for one, who returned shattered physically and mentally. God forbids what lie beyond those green vegetation. 

One of the selected Nachos, Steve, is determined to get the serum, as his great grandchip has fallen victim to the plague too. A soon as they wandered into Guacamole woods, one of them rested against the trees, tired already. As he stood up, they realized that there is a kind of green paste stuck to his back. One of the nachos put the paste into his mouth and said it tastes like heaven. 

The other nachos decides to see taste it, but Steve decided not to, as he has no time to indulge when his great grandchip is ill. It tasted so nice, the poor men was driven insane and they began eating the paste off the trees each other, turning into mindless cannibals. Steve knew he has to leave his comrades behind, as they started to try getting him in the enigmatic paste so they would consume him too. He ran, his sides soggy from the tears he cried losing his friends. At last he found the serum. A colorless liquid in a bowl shaped container. 

On his way back, he passed by where he had deserted his old comrades, where all he sees are pieces of his friends on the ground, and one partly gone paste covered nacho, what used to be his comrade sitting against the tree, dipping the pieces in the green paste and eating them. Steve hid, knowing that he would be eaten as well if he shows himself. After the paste monster ate that is remaining of his old friends, he waited for a bit and stomped in frustration that there is nothing lift to eat, then he stopped and saw his hands, covered in green paste. 

He hesitated for a while and began eating himself, tearing pieces of is body and eating them with the green paste. Steve can't take it anymore and ran, the paste monster saw and tried to give chase, but couldn't because he had ate his own legs. Steve finally returned to his settlement with the serum in hand, where Torrtila replicated it's molecular structure and mass produced the serum, and all of nachokind was safe once more, for now. 

Steve told what happened to his comrades in Guacamole Woods to Doritor, he said he knew it all along, as he lifted a part of his coat and Steve saw a bite mark over a green smudge. Doritor said that it is best to keep it a secret, as to avoid nachos heading to Guacamole woods to retrieve the damned paste. Complying to his wishes, Steve returned home to the arms of his now healthy great grandchip, the rest is history. 


What do you think? I think I'm about to sneeze....


Bye, enjoy your next bowl of nachos.

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