Part 6

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Shoutout to PaigeMarieKay and Weirdmageddon_1 for being flat-out awesome human beings XD You guys should definitely check them out! 

Please Enjoy!


Third Person Pov

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Third Person Pov

Aspen had given up. She was done trying to struggle against Pans iron grip on her. Her hope had been stolen from her along with the light in her eyes. She was trapped on this island. The poor girl knew she would be for all of eternity. 

As she hung over Pans shoulder, thoughts of bring his prisoner or having to run away from him forever ran through her mind. It was a fate worse than death, yet there wasn't anything she could do. The water stopped the poison, but she could never leave NeverLand without dying. 

The moment she was about to give up completely, something perked her up. The one thing that could always make her motivated to do good. The one she vowed to protect with her entire life.  

Henry... She had to protect her little brother from this demon. 

At the thought of him, Aspen raised her head slightly, watching the gruff lost boys that were walking behind her. They, especially Pan, walked like they had already won. Like they owned the game, but if they thought Aspen had given up completely, then they were sorely mistaken. 

Sure, Aspen had given up on her escape, but she would never give up on Henry or the rest of her family. That brown haired little boy meant everything to Aspen and she was never going to stop fighting for what she believed in. And that was her family. 


Regina was once again reduced to fear. As Aspens bracelet was leading them through the forest to reveal her location, the glowing had dimmed and it began to flicker on and off. This meant exactly what Regina thought it meant. 

Aspen was dying... 

But as Pan forced her to drink from the spring, the light, along with her life was returned. However, this was not comforting to Regina. It only meant that her daughter was knocking on deaths door. 

Both Snow White and the Savior noticed the bracelet light dimming and they exchanged looks, but neither one of them uttered a word in fear of upsetting Regina. The broken hearted queen didn't need to loose anymore hope than she already had. 

Because David and Killian were forced to watch Pan trap Aspen of NeverLand, they were coming back to their camp facing away from Dead Mans Peak where the bracelet was leading Regina. Hook knew that Regina deserved to know the truth, that her daughter could never leave, but Davi didn't want to tell her. He claimed that it was what was best for the mission, yet Killian knew the truth. He knew that if David told them what they saw Pan do to Aspen that they would ask why they were at Dead Mans Peak in the first place. As much of a hero as he pretended to be, Killian found it incredibly selfish that David wouldn't own up to his lies. 

"I just can't believe that after everything Regina has ben through that you aren't going to tell her about Aspen." Hook said through gritted teeth. He was tired of arguing with the prince and for his own reasons, all involving Emma, he wanted to be on Charmings good side. But he just couldn't get over the fact that Aspens poisoning would go unnoticed because of the 'hero.' 

"It's whats best. We can still save Henry. Aspen would want us to stay focused on finding him anyway. We'll save her, but we can't do that if our mission is side tracked. You wouldn't understand. All you are is a thieving pirate." Charming spat, making Hook clench his singular fist. 

"Listen here, mate!" He said, raising his voice. He turned David around with his hook, pointing his finger in Davids face. 

"I may be a pirate, but at least I have honor! If it was my daughter, I'd want to know! You know you would too. You may call yourself a hero, but you're nothing but a coward. If you won't tell Regina, then I will." Hook said. Because Killian was a 'villain' he understood wanting to protect the only ones who ever loved him. The only ones who saw the good in him. Aspen and Henry were those people for Regina. 

After Killian's outburst, David opened his mouth to speak, clearly angered by the pirate. Yet before he could, another voice rang. 

"Tell me what?" Regina. David and Killian turned around, seeing Emma, Snow, and Regina. Regina was keeping the bracelet floating in the air as they stopped to talk to the boys. David looked back at Killian, shaking his head. Killian locked his jaw, staring at the prince in disappointment. 

"We saw Aspen." He said, lowering his head as he walked over to the queen. David sighed, following behind him. 

"What?! Where?" Regina cried frantically. Killian looked up. 

"Dead Mans Peak. We went to find the star map, but Pan got to it first. We hide in hopes to escape with our lives and as we were there, Pan poisoned Aspen with dream shade. He forced her to drink from the magical stream that binds her to the island. If she ever leaves...she'll die." David said, telling lie after lie without a problem. The only true parts about that statement were that they were at Dead Mans Peak and Aspen will really die if she tries to leave. Killian shifted uncomfortably, watching Regina's eyes fill with tears. She looked down, letting a single tear fall down her face, but a stern, determined look crossed her face as she looked back up. 

Regina released her magical hold on the bracelet, letting the locater spell lead them to Aspen again. She started walking after it, the rest of their gang quickly following. 

"I will save my son. I will save my daughter. And I will kill Peter Pan." She vowed, the others exchanging glances as the queen stomped through the forest. None of them had a single doubt. Regina was going to fulfill her vow no matter the cost.

She was going to kill Peter Pan...


Hey Guys! I hope you liked the new chapter! Hopefully the next one will mainly be centered on Pan and Aspen! 


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