Part 9

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Third Person POV

The girl who was once fearless was reduced to screaming and banging on the cage door as a hope for an escape. No one was there, no one was near. She knew that if anyone was close by, a lost boy would have come to tell her to shut up or her family would have found her. She knew that she was trapped. 

"Hello?! Somebody?!" Aspen cried, tears stinging at her eyes. "Anybody..." Being trapped in a tiny cage was unbearable, but it wasn't what was worrying her. She knew that Henry was out there somewhere with Pan. Pan was telling the truth about the island dying, but after he sent her to the cage, she knew that Pan couldn't be trusted. She felt like an idiot. She should have known that from the start. 


Hours and hours of being trapped there passed. Nothing.No one came...until...

"Aspen? Love, is that you?" Aspen, who had fallen asleep from weakness and exhaustion opened her eyes instantly, being met with a handsome one handed pirate standing over her cage. 

"Killian!" Aspen cried, sitting up as best she could without hitting her head on the cage ceiling. He kneeled down onto the ground, banging onto the lock with his hook until it snapped off. He swung the door open, watching Aspen's tear filled eyes light up with hope. As soon as she was out of the cage, he opened up his arms to her, holding the shaking, dying girl in a warm hug. It was the most comforting thing she had felt in a long, long time. 

"It's alright, love. You're safe now." He whispered, placing his one and only valid hand on the back of her head as another way of comfort. She was never fond of the pirate before, but she could tell, he had a good heart. He may have caused problems for her mother, but she knew all villains could be redeemed...apart from Pan...

"Henry...Pan tricked me into doing something for him...I think Henry is in danger." Aspen said, moving back from Killian's arms.

"I know. Everything is being handled. Come back to the camp with me. Tinkerbell and I are keeping the lost boys under control. We'll explain everything there. Now let's go." And the two of them ran off into the woods together...


As weak and sick as Aspen was, she ran back to camp, holding onto Killian to support herself. The island was getting weaker and weaker by the moment...

"You found her." Tinkerbell said as Killian walked into the camp with his arm holding Aspen up. He nodded his head, whispering a small 'Aye', before laying Aspen down on a small cot that was laying on the forest ground. 

"N-No...We can't stay here. What about Pan?" Aspen whispered, attempting to sit up. Killian kneeled down next to her, shaking his head. He made her lay back down, though she put up a fight about it. Just as stubborn as her mother.

"Pan isn't here. He's got Henry at skull rock. His mothers...and father are handling it along side The Dark One." Killian answered, however seemed reluctant to even mention Neal. Aspen knew he had a thing for Emma, but now wasn't the time to be fighting over a woman. It was the time to save Henry. 

"Snow and Charming are out getting some more water from the spring. David was poisoned with dreamshade...We know you were too. But fear not. The crocodile promised to heal you too. There is a way. Pan can't keep you here forever, love." Killian said, trying to calm her down so she would rest. Everyone knew how much Aspen loved Henry. She'd never let him go... But because of Pan, even if she held onto him for dear life, he'd be snatched away from her. 

A flashing green light swept over the land. The earth rumbled, leaves falling off the trees from the sudden gust wind. Henry...he gave up his heart...

"What was that...Killian... Please tell me Henry is okay!" Aspen cried, about to sit up when everyone in the camp fell onto the ground, passed out. The smell of sleeping poppies was now blowing through the wind...Even the lost boys had been knocked out. 

Pan flew down into the camp, smirking at what he had been able to accomplish. He walked over to where Aspen lay, chuckling as her pale, lifeless face began to gain back color. He was winning.

"Oh, Aspen...You're a fool for ever believing me." He grinned, bending over to be closer to the girl's sleeping form.

"But you've helped me win. I need your help once more. But this time... no one will every know." He smirked. Without a second thought, Pan shoved his hand into her chest, ripping out her bright red, beating heart. He put it in a pouch he had on his belt, staring at Aspen's face. She would have no idea...She'd just carry out his will. 

He now had two hearts...The heart of the truest believer...

And the heart of Neverland's savior...

A/N: hehehehehehe. plot twist. cliff hanger. but hey, at least I updated. lemme know what you think in the comments!

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⏰ Last updated: May 31, 2018 ⏰

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