~ I Will Love You Till The End Of Time ~

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The coffee shop door opened as it let in the cold, brisk air of New York City. It was early morning as Aria sipped on her coffee. She had just finished her morning breakfast bagel when a familiar face took the seat across from her.

"Morning," he said as he placed his bags down beside the chair next to him. 

"Good morning," she replied as he caught a glimpse of her smile from across the brim of her cup. He read the newspaper scanning the days headlines. Aria on the other hand kept her eyes trained on his face. His blue eyes scanned the words on the paper as strands of his light brown hair fell into his eyes. She smirked as she took the final sip of her coffee and place the cup down on the table. Seth raised an eyebrow at her as he stopped his scanning mid sentence.

"Done already?"

"Well, you know me and food. I can't waste time with that."

"Some things don't change." He stated as he folded up the newspaper and placed it on table beside the cup. Aria began to get up from her seat and made her way out of the coffee shop. She knew Seth would follow, he always did. It had been that way for years now. She gently brushed at the diamond ring on her left hand and smiled. They had been together for five years, dated for three, married for two and had a one year old daughter named Amelia.

Seth payed the bill at the counter and stepped outside of the shop. He stopped beside Aria taking her left hand in his.

"So where to now?" He asked as he brushed a lock of hair out of her eyes.

"Anywhere, I don't mind." She smiled up at him as she stood on her tiptoes to place a chaste kiss on his cheek.

"Well I was thinking we make a quick stop at the grocery store, then maybe rent out a movie for tonight before we head over to your mother's and pick up Amelia."

"Sounds good to me." She replied as Seth wrapped his arm around her. They took off towards the grocery store, winding their way through the busy New York crowds. Just another day in their lives, facing whatever came their way together.

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