Chapter 2

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When the bell rang for the last time of the day, that afternoon, I smiled widely in the prospect of the homemade birthday cake that surely awaited me at home. My mother had to be the worst cook in town, but she was a great baker, and made an unbelievably good devil chocolate cake.
I had just parted ways with Harry, who had to join Mrs.Grey in room 204 for a top secret meeting he would tell no one about, and was about to reach the front gate when Hugh suddenly appeared from nowhere.

'Oh, hey Hugh'

Hugh was tall. One could even say he was gigantic. He had dirty blond hair and denim blue eyes, and feet the size of my forearms.
At that moment, he was shifting from one to the other, visibly nervous.

'Hey, Alex. Happy birthday'

I looked down to the big cardboard box he was holding.

'Thanks. You weren't in class today, were you?'

'I need a favor, Alex' he said, looking down to the box.

I sighed.

'I conclude this is no birthday present, then'

He only gave me a pleading look, handing me the box.
I was going to take it when a thought popped into my mind.

'It's not weed, is it?' I whispered, squinting my eyes suspiciously.

His facial expression changed abruptly, leaving place to an annoyed glare.

'For the last time, I am not a drug dealer!' he growled.

'Alright, alright! Then what is it?'

I took the box, which was heavier than I figured, and went very still. It was moving.

'Is there something alive in there?!'

He grabbed and dragged me a few steps away from the gate, from where a bunch of students were starting to flow out. He was avoiding eye contact. After staring at it for a few more seconds, I finally convinced myself to open the box, carefully holding it as far away from my face as I could.
At that moment, the box barked, making Hugh wince.


My friend became instantly fascinated by the top of his abnormally large feet. I opened the box a bit wider and was welcomed by the sight of a little ball of snow white fur wildly agitating its tiny pink tongue.

'Hugh, could you please tell me why there is a live poodle in this box?'

'You need to help me Alex. Could you keep it? Just for a short time. It's a matter of life or death, I promise'

'I didn't know you had a dog!'

'I don't'

I looked at him, incredulous.

'Did you steal the damn thing?'

'Stealing is a big word. Can you keep it?'

'Can I have some explanations?'

A car honked next to us, and Hugh quickly closed the box. I turned around to see his dad's enormously red pickup.

'I have to go'

'Oh no' I said, alarmed.

'Thank you so much, you're a great friend' he answered, slapping my shoulder.

'No, Hugh!'

He was already gone. Arthur waved at me as his son took place on the passenger seat beside him.
I answered with a weak smile, trying to keep a steady hold on the wiggling box.

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