City of thousand angels or city of two thousand sins? I've always wanted to visit that place. To taste that life, if only for few days. Now I was packing my bags to go to Los Angeles. From this forest to one of the most extravagant cities of the world. You might think that it is unbelievably awesome, the greatest thing that could happen to a girl like me. But that was the hardest decision of my life. I was completely petrified. I understood that from now on my life will change. I was facing a cruel world of judgement, flashing cameras... world of unwanted fame. But the idea of having Harry by my side helped me to overcome this anxiety.I had only one thing left to do. I subconsciously procrastinated to make this phone call. To the very last minute.
-"Yes? Sophie? Is that you?" - I heard my mum's voice over the phone -"Finally! I've been waiting for you to call ... for ages!"
-"Hey, mum."- I quietly replied back. My heart was beating out of my chest as I tried to gather all of the courage to speak.
-"How are you, love?" -she asked softly -"Are you having a nice time?"
Oh, if only she knew... -"Yes! It is absolutely wonderful here, mum. I'm glad that I came."- I nervously laughed.
-"You know , your sister keeps asking me when you are going to come home. She really misses you."
I felt my heart clenching up a little. Me and my sister were like best friends. She was few years younger than me. But somehow we connected very well. She was always a bit sad whenever I decided to come up to my cabin. - "Again you and your magical forest..."- she always said.
-" Yeah, I have something that I need to tell you." - I finally braved up. My voice was trembling. Mum nervously laughed on the phone.
-"Sophie? What is it? I don't like your tone." - she quietly said.
-" I won't be coming home that soon."
Dead silence.
-"Mum?" - I whispered into the phone.
-" What do you mean by that?" - I could tell that she's trying her best not to blast out at me. I was very thankful for that.
-" It means that I will be doing a bit of a traveling. " - I answered lightly.
-"Oh, Sophie... just come home, please. We are missing you. Where are you going now?"
-"To Los Angeles, mum." - I could barely believe that I was saying that.
-"What?! Are you completely out of your mind? Why? "- mum's voice became louder with every word spoken. -" I understand that you have always been on the road, wandering around... but are you actually out of your mind?!" - she was already shouting at this point.
-" Mum, listen..." - I tried to speak as calmly as possible -"I met someone. I'm not going on my own." - I could hear how she took a deep breath.
-"Sophie, please..."- she calmed her voice down a little.
-"Mum, don't worry. I will call you. You can call me. I won't be disappearing anywhere." - I laughed, trying to sound like this was not the most bizzare thing that I have ever done in 23 years living on this planet. -" He's really nice, mum. I will be safe with him, believe me. "
-" Is there anything I can do to make you change your mind?"
-"No. You already know that. I'm going to do this no matter what." - the only way how not to make everything worse, was to be completely honest.
I heard a big sigh - "Ok, my dear Sophie. Just please be careful. You're a big girl. Just don't do anything that you might eventually regret, ok?"

Speechless Turns /H.S./
FanfictionShe was running away from the world. She met him and he became her universe. He seeked to find inspiration, but found something much more. Will he be ready to pay the price? Forest of tangled dreams and frightening promises. "Rough wav...