We spent the rest of the day just laying around on the sofa. Harry played few songs on his guitar. I wanted to ask him to play some of my favorite songs, but yet again- I'm not going to make myself to look like a crazy fan girl. Tho, deeply down inside- I still was. The only difference now - I had stolen his kiss. I had stolen Harry's kiss. Unbelievable. We were cuddling up until the night fell on the tree tops, making forest look a bit scary and unrecognizable again.
-"Let me take a look at your leg"- Harry sat up and started to pull off the blankets in which we were cuddled up into. I shivered when his arm touched the bandages. Harry looked back at me.
-"Don't worry, I will be gentle."- he assured.
-"Well, yeah, last two times when you cleaned it up and changed the bandages, I was kinda... unconscious."- I smiled weakly.
Harry's arms moved slowly around my injured leg. He gently pulled off the white strip of gauze. I squeezed my eyes closed, as he unwrapped my leg completely. There was something about me and my relationship with blood- I could not handle it. Even if it is my own injury. I felt a slight burn as he proceeded to clean the bruise with some kind of a solution. I fisted the back of the sofa as the burn became more and more intense. With my eyes still closed, I tried as hard as I could not to make any strange noises, biting down on my lip. It burned as hell.
-"It looks a lot better as it did last time."- Harry's voice interrupted my intense lip-biting- "Are you ok? "- next raspy phrase filled up the room. Harry must have noticed my tension.
-"Yeah, I'm fine" - I almost squealed, still holding onto the side of the sofa -"Where did you learned all of this?"- I finally braved- up to open my eyes. Harry stood up and headed towards the cupboard drawers, picking up some fresh bandages.
-"My mum. She's a nurse. I've basically grew up in hospital rooms." - he sat back next to me on the sofa and gently ran fingers over my scarred leg. His touch was magical. I felt how shivers went down my spine. I felt a big urge to respond to his touch. But I remained still and watched how he wrapped the snow-white gauze around my leg -"Harry?"- I interrupted his work. He was so gentle and careful.
-"Yes?"- he looked up on me with his famously green eyes, still holding down the strip of the bandage.
-"Thank you." - I whispered. His dimply smile lighted up the air between us.
-"This will sound so cheesy, but I should be the thankful one." - he admitted. My eyes widened in surprise. -" Thank you for trusting me." - he quietly said and leaned over me. He placed small kiss on my cheek and ran fingers through my messy hair. - "Just promise me not to disappear."
I swear I could hear a note of sadness in his voice. Until now he seemed to be so happy, so successful - I've never even thought that there could be a smallest hint of sadness or emptiness-but there was. Even his green eyes suddenly reflected shades of some kind of a regret. That was the strangest thing I have ever seen.
-"I'm not that bad at disappearing, you know?"- I added -"You should be aware of that."
That much was true. I was running away from people, from complicated minds, sometimes even from myself. I loved to hide myself away, being in my own world, getting lost in my own mind. At least it all was mine-nobody else had a control over it. With Harry, I have already started to lose my composure, he was slowly taking over my mind and all of my inner senses. The scariest part was that I let him do that, not even trying to run away. I felt this thrill inside of me, facing the world, that was completely unknown to my confused mind.
-"You want to disappear?"- Harry silently asked.
-" I don't want to disappear alone."
He looked confused. It seemed as he was trying to figure out a way how to tell something important.

Speechless Turns /H.S./
FanficShe was running away from the world. She met him and he became her universe. He seeked to find inspiration, but found something much more. Will he be ready to pay the price? Forest of tangled dreams and frightening promises. "Rough wav...