Chapter Seven

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I hope you enjoy the chapter, please let me know what your thinking so far! 

Will have the next chapter up on Sunday:)

x C.


My skin tingles slightly as the magic flows strongly through my veins beneath it, looking at my hand, I watch where the tentacles of power shoot up and down the length of my arm too fast to track but leave my skin almost glistening in the light.

Taking in a deep breath, my eyes drifting closed as I take in the pure strength of mother nature, air feels softer and lighter but also more powerful as it runs over my skin, almost like liquid armour.

Unable to stop a full blown smile from coming onto my face so distracted with the overwhelming sense of euphoria filling my body I didn't realise someone had stepped in front of my path until they spoke.

"A bit far into the woods for a young girl to be walking around, don't you think?"

My eyes snap to the man in front of me as my arm instinctively reaches for the dead tree branch leaning against a large rock next to me. My eyes scan the tree line surrounding us, allowing the tree branch to dip into the dirt momentary for me to sense that we were the only people within 100 yard radius.

Looking back to find Mason now staring at my newly weaponed hand curiously with an eyebrow raised.

I cleared my throat awkwardly as I let the branch slip from my hand, "Well, we're not that far out of the town, maybe 15-20 minute run from here." I whisper, crossing my arms across my chest. "and I'm not that young."

"Your all but a pup, little one."

I attempt and fail to hold back a look of disgust at both the condescending tone and choice of words.

"Thank you for your concern, Mayor, but I best be getting back home now." Sarcasm coating my words as I brush past him.

His deep chuckle causes goosebumps to raise on my skin, causing me to pick up my pace in hope to put distance between me and the arrogant moron while my senses were already going haywire.

"I meant no offence, Anna." He voice lightened on my name slightly.

I let out a sign realising my speed walking was no match to his long legs keeping up pace beside me.

"I just wanted to make sure you were okay after last night."

"Just a little exhaustion, nothing to worry yourself over, Mayor." Looking at him out the corner of my eyes, his steps were strong, meaningful and surprisingly graceful for a man of his size. Mason was undoubtedly an extremely handsome man, even with his mouth pressed into a hard line and brows scrunched together.

"You know you can just call me Mason, right?" He whispers.

Tilting my head towards him, curious at his tone but Mason keeps his eyes straight ahead and face serious. "I know, but Mayor seems more appropriate." Always best to keep boundaries up when possible, at least until I know what his intention is.

"Your probably right, its best for people to know their place." He ground out.

"Their place?" My eyebrows shot up and I froze on the spot, unable to believe that just came out of his mouth.

He turned around, his hard gaze staring straight at me. "Yes, we all have our rank and mine is the top."

A laugh bubbled out of me, which died off as I noticed the serious look on his face. "You are not serious."

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