Prince's Healer

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Disclaimer. I do not own any rights to Yu-Gi-Oh Duel Monsters or any of the characters created from the manga/anime. I hope you enjoy the story!


The first thing I noticed upon waking was that there was no warmth beside me. No, there was no warmth, there was a fiery blaze that lay beside me as I woke this morning. I sat up quickly, drowsiness clearing quickly from my body as I stared down at the source of the heat.

Yugi groaned loudly at my shift before flipping himself over to lay on his back. I felt my brow furrow as I took in his features; there was a layer of sweat that covered his forehead and face, said forehead was creased in what appeared to be great discomfort and his cheeks were flushed a bright red. I placed my hand on his forehead and yanked my hand back quickly; he was burning up!


I tried gently as I stroked my hand through his sweat drenched hair, I felt my stomach twist at the whimper that left his throat. I continued running my hand through his hair, hoping to coax him gently out of this rough sleep.

"Aibou...Wake up.."

His eyelids began to crack open slowly, those amethyst orbs staring straight into me, and the little shit cracked a smile.

"M-morning Atem...What t-time is it?"

He looked over quickly to the alarm clock resting on my nightstand, nearly knocking me backward as he shot up into a sitting position, panic covering his features before coughs began racking his small form.

"I'm, ack, going to be, ack, late! A-Atem!"

He cried out loudly in frustration as I laid him back down on the mattress, turning the alarm clock to face the opposing wall and out of his sight. 

"You're not going anywhere Aibou. You're burning up and you nearly lost a lung when you sat up. You think for one minute I'm going to let you go to school? Much less out of my sight today?"

Yugi blinked up at me in confusion, then I watched realization flood him and he struggled against my hands to sit up again.

"No no! Atem please, I'm fine, I need to go to school! Ple-ack!"

I leaned him forward as another coughing fit rippled through him, my hand rubbing soothing circles on his back all the while. Yugi finally took a moment to look back up at me, widening his eyes slightly and pouting his lip out.

"Atem please...I promise if I feel I can't hold out I'll call and have you come get me..."

I watched as his lashes fanned gently against his cheek as he batted them, those beautiful amethysts staring deep into me...I swear those were the most beautiful eyes I've ever seen, but I know this trick all too well at this point and I smirked.

"No way Aibou, you're staying home and I'm taking care of you, now-" I spun quickly, rising from my side of the bed to come to his, "Lay down and let me get the thermometer and some medicine for that cough."

Yugi pouted as I wrapped the blanket tightly around him before turning to exit the room, I swear I heard that little shit huff as I clicked the door shut. I couldn't help the chuckle that left me,  he was such a fiery little hikari, and for that I loved him.


I frowned as I reached the bathroom door, my hand freezing over the handle. Yes, I've known this for a while, and honestly how Yugi has missed it is beyond me at this point considering I've made no effort in truly hiding my affectionate behaviors. We shared the same bed, cuddled all the time, I've even kissed his forehead and cheeks before.

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