Chapter 2

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Hey  awesome that you decided to read this far... Thanks for reading my book hope you enjoy this chapter.

I think it's time to make things a lil more interesting...


After an hour and about fifteen minutes we arrived at the camp site. It wasn't as bad as I thought, well, at least not yet. Our bus was the first to arrive and it's quiet and beautiful.
The camp site is an old primary school surrounded by mountains, trees and the ocean and an airport in sight. There are six cabins on the property, three wooden ones to the  left, two of which are the girls cabin an the other for boys,one large concrete one to the right where everyone would gather for sessions, and two more small concrete ones in the center, a kitchen and an outside shower.

I loved the idea of camp, playing games, treasure hunt, craft, and sessions..... But... meeting new people was the scary part. Public speaking and talking to unknown people are two things I dreaded most. Yes I'll speak or answer if you spoke to me, that's not a prob, but if you start on my dark side or my spirit don't take you, oh well that's your funeral then.

Anyways.....scratch all this out. I'm actually a nice person. I speak softly and kind once you approach me properly, I love to do volunteer work and teach new things. I enjoy listening to music, reading and arts. I hope there will be a lot of these at this camp or even better, or this would be the worst camp ever.

After settling in our dorms, Tisha and I decided to take a walk around camp then sat on one of the benches under the large mango tree by the entrance of the camp site.
As we walked, I opened a pack of Crisp Whole wheat crackers and popped a piece in my mouth. Mmmmm hmmm......this taste so good...mmmm This had been my third pack since Tisha and I bought a large pack each at a supermarket on our way. For some reason, it tasted better than ever, and the more I ate, the more I wanted. It's like I craved the damn thing. That didn't worry me until I had only two left. Wow. A pack of 12, and I'm only down to two before my first night of camp even began. Now I felt greedy, hahaha, I'll just hide it away deep down in my bag so it'll last at least one more day. I hope.

It was about six thirty when the last bus came. I looked at each person to see if I could recognize a few faces, but none. Oh, what a waste.... At about 7 p.m., the district officers gathered everyone in the evaluation hall for the greetings and first session. There were ten officers and about 42 youth. Most of them my age up to 18 years. To begin the first day of camp, one of the officers welcomed  everyone, introduced himself and the other officers, presented this year's theme, and the purpose of the camp.

Now, he called on everyone to stand one by one and say their name, district, and  expectation of the camp. As the introductions began, I started thinking of what I was going to say when my turn came. When it came to the third person before me, I finally got what I would say. As Tisha sat down, I stood up and began... "Hi everyone, my name is Nadia Blanc, I'm from the northern district and this is my second camp but first ever with persons I don't know, so I hope it'll be fun,memorable and I'll make new friends." Then smiling, I sat down and breathed out...ahhhhh... This wasn't even half of what I planned to say, but I didn't do bad after all.

The rest of the night went quickly but smoothly. After introductions, we took a break for dinner and then returned for our first sessions where we were placed in groups and given responsibilities. Later, they gave us an hour to chill outside before bed and lights out at 10. I must say that I liked it so far, plus there was free WiFi. :-) Oh please, like, who doesn't love WiFi...
While laying in my bed, I had one of the crisp cracker snacks again. Even if my stomach was popping from the dinner we at,  I still felt an empty space for the crackers.

"Ughhh shoot, I only have my flip flops I came with. How am I gonna run without bursting it!" I complained to Tisha. Now she's looking at me like I should have known we needed sneakers. Damn how should I know, huh? Pfff.... "You know what, fuck it I'll use my flops."
It was five minutes to six and all the campers are up hustling to get ready for our early morning exercise at six. I was certainly not prepared for this so I just put my bra on and stepped out with my PJ pants, and tank top. Outside is a bit chilly, the sky is clear  and the sun is rising just a few feet above the sea. As i walk slowly to join the circle formed by the few waiting campers and officers. I looked and observed that i was not  the only one in my nightwear. i sighed lowly in relief. Only about one eighth of the campers were dressed right for the exercise.
"Good morning everyone hope you had a good rest, we're starting our day with some stretches and exercise, and we'll be doing this everyday at 6 for the rest of the camp," the leading officer stated as the last of the campers joined us, which lead to a few groans and murmurs from the group. I didn't mind though, I kinda liked the idea, besides i'm an early riser, always up by 5:30 am. "We are going to start by running down to the main road, to the bridge near the airport, then up through the track which leads back to this camp. This is about a mile run, you will be lead by two officers and when you get back do some stretches, shower, then gather in the conference room for evaluation. After devotion is breakfast, then each group has to do their responsibilities according to the time sheet on the notice board, and finally we'll start our first session for the day."

On the sound of his last few words, bounding with our peers, we moved to start our mile run. Some walked, some ran, and some jogged slowly, but most of the boys were like bullets started in the lead and stayed there till the end, never stopping. As for me, I jogged the whole way and walked when I felt tired. When we arrived back at the camp and did some stretches to warm down, I bought a sprite and tortilla chips at the mini bar, don't ask me why but I couldn't take my mind off the taste of it the entire run.
Mmmmm.. I mentally moaned at the taste of the cheddar cheese in my mouth.

After breakfast, my group, group E, was responsible for setting up the conference room, so we did so, then sat down to wait for the others and chatted until the session started. So far I've made three more friends, two girls, Jacelyn who is  from the northern district and Jesse who is from the east, and one boy,  Pete, who is also from the north.
I kinda sense Pete likes me from how he's always smiling for me and keeps close, but I don't give him much attention, yes he's good looking with his muscular built frame, about 5'8, chocolate Brown skin, dark eyes and freshly cut black hair that's nicely shaped along the edges, (oh how I love too see guys with fresh haircuts...mmmmm..I don't think a guy looks more sexy than that...), hard, firm jaw lines, and down to his lips, hmm his lips... They look a bit dark, cracked up and certainly not soft, like he smokes.. ughhh.. All the nice thoughts drifted away quickly. I'm not interested in guys who smoke and drink a lot.. It's like a turn off, I can't stand the smell of weed or tobacco, as for the breath of a drinking person...ewwww I would not even kiss you.. it upsets me.
Besides that, Pete is still a nice person to hang with a great friend too, and it turns out he just graduated from my school, and was an interschool athlete for the past three years, which explained why he is so built. But I'm not interested in him in that way, he isn't boyfriend type to me and I'm not looking into a relationship right now.
The session went through well. We focused on creating an activity schedule for the week we'll be teaching younger children in August. Every once in a while a joke would come up and everyone would laugh, especially from the group with Donn, the tall good looking friendly sexy smile guy from the south that most of the girls drool over. But I can't stand his boastful, arrogant, and selfish ways. He loves attention on himself and acts as if he's perfect....SMH.
Then, there are the group of girls who act like they are too fresh and beautiful to hang around others and too cool to have new friends. So they just watch other girls size them up laugh cause they are different. They're like brats, think so high of them selves and all over the good looking guys around camp... pfff. Can't stand them. I'll never be like that.. I'll never date a guy who has a lot of women after him and acts so boastful. NEVER! All kinds of thoughts played through my mind and I didn't even realize how long I had been thinking, campers were already walking out of the room, chatting and laughing to them selves. I stood up and walked out the door. Half way across the yard to my dorm, Tisha called me out, asking me to wait up.

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