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Being famous is all fun and games, right? A whirlwind of hair and makeup, interviews and performances, song writing and killer choreography. But what if we were to tell you that it's certainly not all that it seems? We'll tell you what it's really like. Being the biggest girl band in the world consists of painfully early mornings and equally as painful late nights. It's unknowingly getting your photograph taken on days when you have no makeup on, dark bags under your eyes and your hair tousled on top of your head - knowing full well that those pictures will later be online for all to see, with the caption "The members of Little Mix looking tired and dishevelled leaving the studio this evening". It's performing no matter what; it doesn't matter whether you're sick, tired or just damn miserable - you have to put a smile on your face, suck it up and give it your all.

Now don't get us wrong, we wouldn't change our lives for absolutely anything in the world. This is our dream, has been since we were little. We love nothing more than writing music and performing. Meeting fans and hearing how we have changed their lives is nothing short of extremely humbling and very gratifying. Above all, this crazy life of ours has gifted us with the best present of all; each other. We're not just band mates. We're best friends, sisters. We laugh together and we cry together, we keep each other grounded and no matter what, we are always there for each other. We make each other feel safe, like as long as we're there for each other, nothing bad can happen. Our friendship is probably the best thing to come out of this whole crazy experience that is Little Mix.

So, what happens when things start to get tough? When one of us goes into self destruct, crumbling under the crippling pressure to be perfect. How do we cope knowing that we are constantly being scrutinised, constantly watched and always  judged? Follow our life as we experience the trials and tribulations, the success and knock backs, but most importantly, the friendship and sisterhood that only gets stronger between us as we go through our 'Glory Days'.

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