Ch 4

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"You wanna come sit with us?", Ivy asked when we had picked our food. She looked over at a table with three girls sat around it and I slowly followed her gaze.

I nodded. 

"Yeah sure", I shrugged.

She smiled warmly and lead the way over to her friends.

Ivy had been with me ever since the little incident on the toilet. Except for when we had to go our separate ways for class. We had really hit off well and I know it'll only get better.

"Hey guys", Ivy said as we reached the round lunch table her friends were sitting around.

They greeted her back and glanced over at me curiously as we sat down.

"This is Primrose, she's new here and I thought it would be nice to let her eat with us", she beamed and looked over at me.

Two of the girls nodded and smiled warmly at me, while the third girl held a sharp gaze on me.

"Of course you did", she huffed and leaned against the wall.

I furrowed my eyebrows but kept my mouth shut. The blonde girl next to her hit her softly on the arm and scowled at her.

"HI, I'm Lucy", the girl seated in front of me said instead and reached out to shake my hand.

I happily shook it and smiled back at her.

Lucy had short, dark hair that barely reached her shoulders. Her bright blue eyes lit up her face and was a perfect contrast to her almost black hair.

The girl next to her turned to me and smiled.

"I'm Olivia but you can just call me Liv", she didn't reach out to shake my hand but also she didn't seem like a girl who was all too formal. 

Olivia for that matter had long beautiful blonde hair that reached all the way down to her waist, at least when she was sat down. Her face was filled with small freckles and sea blue eyes to finish off her smiling personality.

The girl leaning against the wall didn't even so much as give me a glimpse.

Her hair was made into a messy bun but you could still see all the colours that was perfectly matched in black at the top of her head and light pink and blue at the ends. She had a lip ring that looked like black metall forming around her lower lip and rings covering her fingers.

"If I tell you my name would you stop staring at me?", she turned to me suddenly.

I was dumbfounded that she caught my glances and didn't know what to say. 

She glared at me and said: "Eliza"

 I nodded and looked down on my food.

I started eating in silence as the four girls started talking happily, Eliza joining in with some rude remarks now and then.

Around in the cafeteria was all kind of people seated: jocks, nerds, bullies, punks, the pretty and popular girls, the hot and popular guys..

They were all seated in their specific group and I couldn't help but feel concerned about how the world had turned out, or maybe this is how it's always been.

My eyes landed upon blonde short hair as I scanned the tables.

He was seated with the typical jocks but he didn't join in on their conversation. He was concentrated on something else.

I tore my gaze from his group of friends and my eyes was suddenly caught on his.

He stared at me with a concerned look. I narrowed my eyes at him, didn't he know that staring was rude?

When he saw that I had caught him staring his ocean blue eyes immediately dropped and his gaze landed on the floor.

I kept glaring at him before turning back to my food and the newfound firends scattered around the small table. I wonder which group they belonged to. They didn't really look like they were from the same group of friends. 

But maybe they didn't want to belong to an average group, maybe they just wanted to be their own group. Maybe they just wanted to stick out from the society. Maybe they just wanted to be themselves.


Maybe I wanted to belong with them too.

*ERMEGERD I'M ALIVEEEEEE!!?!?!! yesss I am back! Or at least I'm updating lol.. Idk when I'll update next but if you want to read a more shittier and rushed version of this story then check it out on my instagram @imagineonedirection_e . Thanks to those who read and sorry if there are any typos (I know there are, they're always there),and bye lmao I know you hate me*

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