Chapter 6

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Vernon POV
"Jeon Won Woo?!!?" Rocky shouted. Wonwoo smiled, and started walking to her quicker, almost running. Rocky picked up her pace too. Once they reached each other, she gave him a big hug. Once they broke their hug, they stared at each other with smiles on their faces. I know Wonwoo from our little group band. I know he is a good guy so I'll leave them alone. As I was walking, I thought to myself, How do they know each other? I guess I'll just ask her tomorrow. I got home and went  straight to bed.

Rocky POV
I saw his face and I immediately knew who it was. "Keon Won Woo?!!?"
I yelled his name I started to walk faster to him and so did he. I got close enough to throw my arms around his neck. He hugged back. I was so happy to see him. I pulled away from the hug and looked into his eyes. I was dazed, lost, and happy. I didn't want to look away. My hands were still on his shoulders and his hands were still around my back. I took my hands down and he took his hands away.

"Do you want to go get something to eat and catch up?" He asked in Korean. I actually knew Korean, I just don't like to speak in it because it reminded me of him. He taught me Korean.

"Ne." I responded.

Taylor POV
I saw Woozi's face. I know I did. He was in a band. They weren't very popular, but I really liked them. Woozi was my favorite, other than Hoshi. When I first saw Hoshi, I didn't want to freak out and make a total fool of my self. I sat down on  my bed and took out my phone. I immediately texted eliza and rocky.

Taylor: You know the band I've liked for a while now?

Eliza: Ya... SEVENTEEN?

Taylor: Ya that's the one. S. Coups, Vernon, and Hoshi are apart of the band. I tried so hard not to freak out. And then there was an incident with Hoshi while I was walking home with him and I ran to a bench and cried, and someone saw me and took me home, turns out.... it was another member from the band named Woozi!! I met 4 members of a band I really like!! Crazy huh!


Uh-oh I thought to myself. I was so exited I forgot how protective eliza was. I haven't texted Rocky so I'll ask her what to do.

Taylor: can I talk to you?

Rocky: I'm kinda busy now, but if it is important I can head over.

Taylor: It's sort of important but it can wait. Let me know when you're not busy plz.

Rocky: Ok

I decided to just have Eliza come over.

Taylor: Just come over if you want to know....

Eliza: Ok

About two minutes later, she knocked on the door. I walked over and opened it. Sure enough there was mad eliza in the hallway. She pushed me inside and closed the door.

"Ok, what happened?"

Hoshi POV

I started to walk home but the anger and regret for my actions built up. I needed to get it out. I decided to go to the school and do what I usually do when I'm angry. I dance.

I got to the school and I went directly to the basket-ball quart outside of the school. Put my head phones in and started dancing to the choreography I made to the song Woozi made.

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