Dolph's P.O.V.
"When I said I supported you guys relationship, I never meant fucking in the pool guys!"Cody yelled as he walked out in the backyard smirking. "Cody!!!!"Celeste yelled like a school girl, as I groaned. Celeste quickly jumped out of the pool, myself annoyed of Cody's sudden presence."No hug, I'm sure Nick wouldn't want nobody touching his girl, specially in underwear!"Cody said chuckling. Yes, back away from my girl!"And you're wet. Nick what did you do to get her this wet?"Cody asked, meant sound perverted."I got her into the pool."I said going along with Cody."Are you sure that works? Maybe I should get Nattie in one!"Cody joked, but Celeste was surprised since she didn't know Cody and Nattie have been going on dates."Really Cody? Getting her into a pool isn't the best option."Celeste said unamused.
Celeste's P.O.V.
"When did you and Nattie start dating?!"I squealed as I stood half naked next to Cody."Okay, how about this, I let you finish your date with Nick, and I'll tell you everything tomorrow."Cody said, I found myself pouting, wanting to know. But Nick seemed a bit jealous, since I am guessing he thought I'd rather be with Cody."Okay, bye!"I said pushing him inside the house. I turned around smiling seductively at Nick. I walked slowly to the pool. I climb down into the water, swimming towards Nick since he lost interest when I started walking. Nick didn't seem to look at me."Nick...Nickkkk..."I whined. He looked at me, and ignored me.
Dolph's P.O.V.
"Nick...Nickkkk..."Celeste whined. I was jealous, she obviously wants to be with Cody."Babeee..."Celeste kept whining, making it hard for me not to kiss her."Nicholas, baby, please don't be mad..."She said looking at me. I looked at her from the corner of my eye. I turned around in a blink of an eye, crashing my lips on her, pushing her against the edge of the pool. Keeping her in place with my hips against hers."Would have Cody made you feel like this if he would've stayed with you?"I asked Celeste as I grinded on her, kissing her neck with open mouthed kisses. She moaned and shook her head."Good thing I'm here then!"I mumbled against her neck, making her giggle. She moaned as I ran my tongue on her neck."NICHOLAS! THAT'S ENOUGH!"Mike yelled from the window upstairs. I blushed but retracted away from Celeste. I gave her a small peck and swam to the edge of the pool. I grabbed a fluffed towel and wrapped it around my waist. I peeled my boxers off my legs, letting the towel rest upon my bare waist. Celeste wrapped a towel around her whole body, taking her undergarments also. We went inside and into our room. And yes, we are sharing a room. Mike is using the only guest room, and he allowed me to stay with Celeste. I wonder where Cody is staying ?"I bagsy the shower!"Celeste said as we entered. I sighed but nodded. I guess I'll just wait...
Haii guys! Here's an update for you! Guys, can you please comment some dares I could do? I'm starting a new youtube channel, and I want my first video to be me, doing a dares in the mall! Please guys, comment dares! I will love you forever! I will dedicate chapters to you, and YOU'LL BE MY FAVORITE! So I'll be adding youtubers in my One Direction FanFiction. I will be adding DanIsNotOnFire, AmazingPhil, CharlieIsSoCoolLike, PewDiePie, Uiopasvids, and CutiePieMarzia! Please if you like any of the following youtubes be sure to check out my 1D fan fiction soon!
-Viper xoxo(:

Is she loving me?(Sequel To "Zigglyn Bringing The Heat")
FanficDolph Ziggler(Nicholas Nemett)has revealed his feelings towards Kaitlyn(Celeste Bonin) and now is trying to make her fall for him. Celeste does not realize, but she slowly falls. But there's something that separates them...What is Nicholas willing t...