Twisted Tale File #2: Red Riding Hood

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SONG IS PART II BY PARAMORE- We felt it kind of represents Red :)

I dug my bare hands through the soft dirt until I came across a tuft of silver tinged  black fur. Finally, after all this searching I have found my prize. I moved the dirt to my side as I began to uncover a large paw, partially decayed and caked in blood. I continued up the limb of the deceased animal till it was completely exposed. The decaying body was now sickly thin to the bone, muscle and skin detached from the skeleton.

The Big Bad Wolf.

I had slain this beast only a few months before, but now his presence could actually be of some value. After I had reduced him to a pile of dog food I had craved more bloodshed, and I needed a new game to hunt. I choose vampire hunting, and this is none of your Edward Cullen shit, no these are fang-faced, blood craving, badasses who will rip your throat out before you even realize they're there. I needed a partner, for there have been far to many close calls for my liking.

I am not anywhere near an expert necromancer, so this little experiment had two outcomes: it works and wolfy boy here comes back to life or the magic rips me apart into a million little pieces. Fingers crossed I'm still together by the end of this.

I take a deep breath and close my eyes "Hades!" I call out " God of the Underworld I call upon you. Bring this beast back to life".

"Give him claws that burn like fire and teeth sharper than razors. Fur darker than night and speed like a vampire. Surrender this creature to me and in payment I owe you my eternal servitude," I proclaim towards the pit in front of me. I open my eyes and look at the body of a once fearsome animal left to ruin and rot.

At first there is no response but suddenly its collapsed chest rises as if it was a newborn taking its first gasp of life. Its eyes shot open and it slowly raises its head, shaking it and causing loose pieces of flesh to fly of the bone. I stand amazed for I never got along well with the gods, yet Hades had granted my wish so quickly. My amazement was short lived as the beast pounced on me, pinning me to the ground.

"Red" It snarled in my face and I recognized Hades voice, " I should have shredded you to pieces, but your service could bring me more value than your death," he growled out.

"Of course Hades you question my loyalty?" I choke out, the beasts weight crushing me.

He lets out a sickening cackle making me shrink back

"I trust no one child," he replies raising one clawed paw. "To keep you to your promise, I shall take a small...deposit," he says with a horrifying grin before dragging one ragged claw down my face.

The memory is burned into my mind so I can never forget the pore a hood, to mask the gruesome mark Hades had left as a reminder of my loyalty to him. The curved lines traced down the entire left side of my face, going over my left eye. I'm lucky to still have this eye after a wound like that.

I remained on my own after that incident, my only companion the wolf. A lonely life, yes, but it's not like I care. I hate people anyway. Always so needy, craving constant attention and the moment you turn away they stab you in the back. Or at least, that’s what I thought until I meet Annabeth. I had only been around her for a short moment and I felt oddly attracted to her. It scared me, for when our fingers touched I felt longing. I had pulled away from her quickly because the emotions I had were scaring me. Getting attached to people only brings you pain in the end.

Oddly enough though I couldn't bring myself to leave the woods around camp, I would stay close and watch her from afar. These feelings, this girl, this is all going to lead to trouble. I could feel it in my mark.

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