I love jewels and pretty dresses. I love ribbons and tiaras. Being a princess is a dream to me. Maybe I just wish for respect and power, or maybe i'm simply vain. Maybe I long for the idea of being loved unconditionally by a beautiful man.
My name is Catherine. It is elegant, yet powerful name. It has a certain way to it that flows in a beautiful way. It is the name of a beautiful lady, not of a girl like me. A girl with, huge curls and big thighs. A girl with a big, outspoken mouth. When I think of myself I think of big, even though I am anorexic...everything about me is pretty big. I have been told i am average weight...but maybe I don't want to be average. I want to be under. I want to go from 120 lbs to 90 lbs. Maybe I just want to feel beautiful... of at least pretty enough.
But the shitty thing is, all that is subjective, and I know that. It's like I crave for other peoples opinions to dictate my whole life.
Does your eye ever slightly itch.. so you rub it.. then it itches more..and you rub it again? Then it turns into a seemingly neverending cycle of itching. That's what it's like. It just takes one touch.
I really don't know what this is supposed to be, but know that there is always a message behind the madness.