Chapter 3

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Sorry I haven't updated in a while. I was busy painting and what not. I'll try to update more often before school starts.

I pull out my bow and arrows and start firing them at the Uruk-hai orcs while Aragorn kills some with his sword.

"Y/n! Go find the others!" He yells as he pierces the skull of an orc.

"Are you not coming?" I ask, firing off more arrows.

"Don't worry. I'll be right behind you!" I nod and run off into the forest, calling for the others.

"Gimli! Legolas! Merry! Anybody?! There are-" I stop in my tracks as an arrow flies above my head from behind. I quickly turn and see Aragorn running up to me, followed by orcs. Preparing another arrow, Aragorn slides under me and I shoot an orc archer.

"They just keep coming!" I say.

"We must hurry and find the others. We don't stand a chance alone, there are too many."

We continue running and out of the corner of my eye, I spot Frodo. I begin to jog towards him.

"Y/n what are you doing?" Aragorn puts his hand on my shoulder. "We must go."

I look back and see the orcs getting closer. "Let's split up! You go find the others, I'll-"

"No. Frodo will be fine. If Legolas found out that we split up-"

"Aragorn. I don't care what Legolas has to say about this. He wouldn't care! Just, trust me. Please." Aragorn then takes off in the other direction and I go to Frodo.

"Y/n?" He looks at me. Before I can say anything, 2 familiar voices begin to yell at us.

"Frodo! Y/n!" Merry and Pippin call out. Frodo shakes his head and begins to run away.

"Where are you going?!" He ignores me and dissapears towards from where we docked.

"We have to create a distraction for the others. You two get their attention and I'll shoot as many as I can from the on the branches."

They nod, stand up, and start yelling at some of the orcs.

"Hey you! Over here!" They start running while the orcs chase them. I climb a tree and move swiftly along the branches while shooting. Out of nowhere, Boromir comes out the trees, sword drawn, and kills most of the orcs. He slices through ones chest and gets shot by an orc arrow. I look around and I can't see any archers. He kills a few more and get hit with another arrow but continues to fight. The archer finally appears over a hill and I run along the branches quietly and launch myself on its back. Pulling out my daggers, I stab his arms and then go for his neck. But before I can manage to do anything else, I'm thrown against a tree and hit the ground roughly. Im unable to get back up because of the pain but I lift my bow and arrow up but the archer breaks it. He let's out a laugh and continues walking towards Boromir.

"Boromir! Look out!" I try to warn him but he gets hit with another arrow and falls to his knees.

Oh no.

I throw my bow to the side and pull my daggers out once again. I manage to get to my feet and jog behind the archer, the pain intensifying. I take my daggers and stab him in the back. He let's out a deep yelp and turns around. Then, the orc punches me in the stomach and pushes me to the ground. I lift my hand to feel my forehead and I see blood covering my fingertips.

"No.. Y/n." I faintly hear Boromirs voice. "Forgive me."

The orc then shoots one last arrow into Boromirs chest and he collapses on the ground. Merry and Pippin can be heard yelling. I look up and a couple of orcs pick up the two hobbits and carry them away with them.

"What about the she-elf?" One of the orcs asks the archer.

"Take her with us. The white wizard will know what to do with her." An orc then picks me up and I hang over his shoulder. My vision is blurry and I feel dizzy from the blood loss. The last thing I could hear before everything went black was Legolas calling my name.

When I woke up, I was on the back of a different orc. Infront of me was Merry and Pippin, also being carried on the backs of orcs.

"Y/n!" Pippin smiles.

"Are you guys ok?" I ask.

"Yes. Merry and I are fine. What about you?"

"Still a bit dizzy."

"No kidding. You lost a lot of blood there. Didn't she Merry....Merry! Merry!

Then, an orc starts to talk with another. "You're late. Our master grows impatient. He wants the Shire-rats now and the she-elf now."

"I don't take orders from Orc-maggots. Saruman will have his prize. We will deliver them."

"Merry! Merry! Wake up! My friend is sick! He needs water. Please!" Pippin begs.

"Sick is he? Give him some medicine, boys!"

The Uruks growl, then one pours a sticky red liquid into Merry's mouth. Causing him to choke.

"Stop it!" Pippin yells.

"Can't take his draught!"

"Leave him alone!"

"Why? You want some? Huh? Then keep your mouth shut."

"Merry." I say.

"Hello, Pip and Y/n."

"You're hurt." Says Pippin.

"I'm fine. It was just an act."

"An act?"

"See? I fooled you too. Don't worry about me, Pippin."

"Don't ever do that again." I say. "They could've done worse to you."

One of the big orcs sniffs the air.

"What is it? What do you smell?" One of them asks.


"Aragorn!" Pippin and I say in unison.

"They've picked up our trail! Let's go!"

The Uruk-hai continue marching. Pippin tears his elven brooch off his cloak with his teeth, and drops it onto the ground.

(Mean while)

Aragorn lies down with his ear pressed to the ground."Their pace has quickened. They must have caught our scent. Hurry!" Aragon runs off, followed by Legolas and Gimli.

"Come on, Gimli!" Legolas says.

"Three day's and night's pursuit… no food, no rest, and no sign of our quarry but what bare rock can tell." Gimli replies.

The thee of them run across plains.The companions then enter the valley where the Uruk-hai stopped. Aragorn bends down to pick up Pippin's brooch. "Not idly do the leaves of Lorien fall." He says.

Legolas stops and turns to Aragorn. "They may yet be alive."

"Less than a day ahead of us, come!" Aragorn begins walking further. Gimli stumbles and rolls to the ground.

"Come Gimli! We are gaining on them." Legolas follows Aragorn.

"I'm wasted on cross-country. We dwarves are natural sprinters. Very dangerous over short distances." Gimli adds. The trio come over a hill and pause, gazing across the plains.

"Rohan. Home of the horse-lords." Aragorn continues. "There's something strange at work here. Some evil gives speed to these creatures, sets its will against us."

Legolas observes the landscape before him.

"Legolas! What do your elf eyes see?" Aragorn asks.

"The Uruks turn Northeast. They are taking the hobbits to Isengard!"


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