Chapter 11

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The next day, Sméagol comes back with two dead rabbits and drops them on Frodo's lap. "Look! Look! See what Sméagol finds!" Sméagol picks up one of the rabbits and breaks its spine in front of Frodo. "They are young! They are tender and nice. Yes they are! Eat them. Eat them." Sméagol bites the rabbit. Sam takes the rabbits.

"Make him sick you will, behaving like that. There's only one way to eat a brace of coneys." Sam cooks the rabbits in a pot. Sméagol watches despondently.

"Argh! What's he doing! Stupid fat hobbit. You ruins it!"

"What's to ruin? There's hardly any meat on them." Sam says.

Sméagol moans. A faint sound catches Frodo's attention.

"What we need is a few good taters."

"What's taters? Precious, what's taters? Huh?"

"Po-ta-toes! Boil them, mash them, stick them in a stew. Lovely big golden chips with a nice piece of fried fish."

"Phooh!" Sméagol says in disgust.

"Even you couldn't say no to that."

"Oh yes we could! Spoiling nice fish!" He crawls to Sam. "Give it to us raw — and wriggling! You keep nasty chips!"

"You're hopeless." Sam sighs.

Frodo hears a sound and follows the direction to see what it is.

"Mister Frodo?"

Frodo lies down and sees an army of the Easterlings marching. Sam and Sméagol find him.

"Who are they?" Sam asked.

"Wicked men; servants of Sauron. They are called to Mordor. The Dark One is gathering all armies to him. It won't be long now. It will soon be ready." Answered Sméagol.

"Ready to do what?"

"To make His war. The last war that will cover all the world in shadow."

"We've got to keep moving. C'mon Sam." Frodo starts to get up, but Sam stops him. Large beasts appear.

"Mister Frodo! Look! It's an Oliphant! No one at home will believe this." The calling sound is heard again and Sméagol backs away. "Sméagol?" The Easterlings are attacked from the bushes. A man shoots an Easterling off of an Oliphant. The body falls near the hobbits. "We've lingered here for too long. C'mon Sam!" The hobbits depart, but are caught by the humans.

"Ah! Wait! We're innocent travelers!"

"There are no travelers in this land, only servants of the Dark Tower." Says a hooded man.

"We are bound to an errand of secrecy. Those that claim to oppose the enemy would do well not to hinder us." Frodo says.

"The enemy?" The man turns over the dead Southron. "His sense of duty was no less than yours, I deem. You wonder what his name is, where he came from, and if he was really evil at heart. What lies or threats led him on this long march from home. If he would not rather have stayed there in peace. War will make corpses of us all. Bind their hands."

The villagers head towards Helm's Deep.

"It's true you don't see many dwarf women. And in fact, they are so alike in voice and appearance, they are often mistaken for dwarf men." Gimli tells Èowyn, she glances back at Aragorn.

"It's the beards." Aragorn says.

"And this in turn has given rise to the belief that there are no dwarf women. And the dwarves just spring out of holes in the ground!"

Èowyn Laughs and so does Gimli. "Which is of course ridiculous. Whoa!" Gimli falls from his horse. "It's all right! It's all right. Nobody panic. That was deliberate. It was deliberate."

I laugh so hard at this I am almost in tears. I get off my horse and help Gimli up.

"Thank you lassy." He says.

Out of the corner of my eye, I see something moving behind a rock. I look around, make sure nobody can see me, and I sneakily jog towards it. I peek over the rock and it's a squirrel that has been injured. I hesitantly reach my hand towards it, and it accepts my help.

"What happened to you?" I ask it as my hand goes to an open wound.

"My family was killed by a pack of wargs. I made it out half alive. But I'm strong, I can handle it."

"Oh I bet you're strong but how about I fix that up for you?"

"Well, ok."

I grab some soil and wheat and put it over his wound. I knlw it hurts by his sad sqeaks.

"Konen daseroff newa sodinia rin." I use an old healing spell my mother taught me when I was younger. I lift my hand and the wound is gone. "There you go little guy." I pet the top of his head.

"Thank you! My life is forever in your debt. I shall stick by your side for as long as I live." The squirrel climbs up my arm and sits on my shoulder.

"Oh well in that case, what is the name of the brave squirrelly knight?"

"My name is Thorin!" (Haha the hobbit reference!)

"Well we better get back to the others. With Thorin on my shoulder, I get back on my horse and join the others.

Eventually we find a space to make camp and I go to find Legolas, who was tying up his horse. He turns around and looks at Thorin, on my shoulder.

"Who is this little guy?" He asks with a smile.

"His name is Thorin, I saved him earlier and he decided to come with us."

"Thorin?" He asks, the smile dissappears. I walk closer to him.

"Are you ok Legolas?"

"Yes I, I used to know a dwarf king that went by that name."

I give him a hug and Thorin climbs onto his shoulder, making an adorable squeak noise.

A few hours pass and I was falling asleep beside Gimli and Legolas. Thorin was sleeping in my tent. I began to drift off to sleep until I fell backwards off the log we were sitting on. "Ow." I say but don't get up.

Legolas picks me up and carries me towards my tent. "You need to get some sleep love." He says. He puts me on my sleeping bag but I grab onto his shirt and he falls on me.

"Y/n, what are you doing."

"Stay." I say and give him a quick kiss. He smirks and lays next to me, playing with my hair. I turn on my side to face him as he then wraps his warm arms around me.

"You're warm." I yawn.

"Good. Now fall asleep love, you need it." He kisses my forehead as I nuzzle my face into his chest and fall asleep.

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