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"I hate you" young sasuke says as he looks at Naruto with pure disgust written all over his face as he wipes his mouth. The both of them had just done something that would haunt them for the rest of their life. The both of them had just kissed each other by an accident. It was technically Naruto fault for getting on top of sasuke desk, which he always does; getting all up in his face as they both glared daggers at each other. Naruto always tried to pick fights with sasuke, always trying to get sasuke riled up so he can prove to him that he is way stronger than him. But as Naruto was trying to one up sasuke, Naruto couldn't help but stare right at sasuke face and a feel a wave of sadness hit him as he stares at sasuke cold dead eyes. Naruto heard so many stories about Sasuke Uchiha. How his brother murder the whole Uchiha clan. How sasuke seen all his clan and family laying in the pool of blood; dead, right before his very own eyes. He basically lives alone in a quiet house with no one to comfort him when he gets lonely. The only comfort he has is himself. This is what made Naruto grow attach to sasuke. They both were similar and naruto just wanted to become friends with the boy. Naruto was too focused on sasuke dead eyes to notice the kid behind him bumping into him causing the two of them to kiss. The whole class goes into an uproar. Roars of laughter follow by gasp filled into the air. Everyone was either screaming sasuke name or Naruto name. The whole thing was a huge disaster for the both of them. Sasuke was in pure disgust as he pulls away from Naruto pushing him in the process. Naruto falls off the desk landing on his butt with a loud thump. He cries out in pain as he rolls around the ground holding his butt, making him look like a complete fool. After the pain dies down he looks up at sasuke with teary eyes and sees sasuke giving him a death glare that sends shivers down Naruto spine. "I hate you" sasuke says as he looks at Naruto with pure disgust. This was one of the most humiliating day ever in sasuke life, his first kiss which was taking from him by an annoying brat in his class.

"You annoy me" young sasuke says with a hint of anger in his tone as he looks at Naruto who was crying his heart out for him. Naruto was stopping sasuke from making the worse choice in his life and that was leaving the village. They are currently at the valley of the end, both of them are breathing heavy after they each landed punch and kicks one after another. Naruto has always been fond of sasuke ever since he met him at the preschool playground. Naruto seen sasuke as a kid that all the girls wanted to date.  The boys was either jealous of him or wanted to be like him. But what Naruto seen in him was a kid who was lonely. Even when all these kids swarming around him, trying to become friends with him, all sasuke did was either brush them off or continue to walk over to the corner of the playground where he would sit by himself. Sasuke and Naruto are alike in many ways even though sasuke wouldn't dare to admit it. Sasuke was just like Naruto, they both didn't have parents or family and basically deal with living their every day life being lonely. Sasuke was the first friend Naruto ever made. He was diffenert from everyone else in the village. He didn't see naruto as a worthless kid in the village or ridicule him about the disaster that happen within the village 13 years ago that took many lives including Naruto very own parents. Naruto couldn't bear the fact that sasuke would leave him and basically everyone in the village for some guy who he didn't even know. Sasuke was someone who made him forget about all the burden and loneliness he dealt with in his life. Sasuke gave Naruto a reason to keep living, to keep fighting and that was by sasuke acknowledging him as his rival. Naruto can remember the day so clearly when sasuke declare Naruto as his rival. It was the day at the chunin exam, Naruto had just won his match against Neji and sasuke was impressed with Naruto quick thinking skills as well as fighting skills.  He couldn't believe that sasuke who was the top student in the genin class acknowledged him for the strength and courage he has within him. Sasuke seen Naruto as his rival which gave Naruto a clear reason to keep fighting, to never give up. But what Naruto doesn't understand, even after sasuke acknowledge him as his rival and him being on the same equal ground as sasuke, was why would sasuke venture out of the village and go with a complete stranger?

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