Just 3 Words prt.3

197 10 4

Authors Note: Once again I'm not that happy with this chp but hey let see how everything goes. I hope you guys enjoy it!!!!

~Naruto and Hinata wedding~

Naruto and hinata wedding has now finally approach. Him and hinata both standing infront of eachother, hands being hold tightly as they look into eachother eyes. Naruto couldn't help but stare admirely at his soon to be wife. She was wearing a beautiful white sparkly off the shoulder gown. The gown is all puffy and fluffy and trails all the way down to her ankles. Her white shoes shinning as bright as the sun. Her hair was currently pinned up into a bun, courtesy of her sister help. She was wearing a shade of red lipstick and had a faint blush on her cheeks. Naruto was wearing a nice black tuxedo with a white button down shirt with a black tie. As he stares into hinata eyes he can sense how much love she has for him. Seeing as her eyes just lit up knowing that she is marrying the love of her life. Even as Naruto stares at her fondly and feels the same love she feels for him, he couldnt help but drift his attention towards his best man only to become disappointed in the end. Sasuke, who was his bestfriend for years end up not showing up to Naruto and hinata wedding to be Naruto best man. During the whole ceremony including after, Naruto couldn't help but feel a pang in his heart. He waited and waited for sasuke to be there for his and hinata special day but all he was left with was a bitter taste in his mouth. 'maybe he was sick', 'maybe he's injured' these thoughts runs through Naruto mind as he tries his hardest to shake the thought out of his head. He walked around trying his best to look happy as he is greeted by people from the village as well as his friends and sensei. As he walks around he just cant help but think why sasuke wouldn't show up, yeah he knows he is currently on his journey but even so, sasuke would atleast send a letter attach to the bird foot stating the reason why he didn't make it, but Naruto didn't receive anything. Naruto couldn't help but sigh as a frown shown upon his face as he thinks about sasuke. He should be happy he thinks to himself. He finally married someone whom he loved but even so as he stands by an watch everyone around him being happy for him and his wife who is currently smiling as she talks with everyone, he just cant help but feel like maybe he made the wrong choice. Don't get him wrong, he does love hinata but he part of him loved sasuke. Even after the whole ordeal at the valley of the end, Naruto tried his hardest to forget sasuke by falling in love with someone else. He did exactly what he said he was going to do, eventually end up falling for someone but even as he stands at his own wedding he cant help but wonder, maybe, just maybe he does still have some what feelings for sasuke. 

As naruto walks around, greeting people and all he hears a voice come from behind him that scares the mess out of him.

"Its about sasuke isn't it" kakashi says as he walks up to Naruto scaring the mess out of him. 

"You almost gave me a heart attack" Naruto says with a chuckle as he puts an hand over his chest, trying to calm down his beating heart. Kakashi watches with curiosity, an eyebrow raised, as Naruto smile slowly fades off his face and turning into a frown. Naruto hand grips tightly on his white dress shirt as pain shows up on his face. Even though Naruto may not admit it to anyone, maybe kakashi a little, that he is upset about sasuke not showing up to his wedding. 

"You should find sasuke and talk to him" kakashi says as he looks at Naruto. Naruto eyes widen in shock as he looks at him. as much as Naruto wants to talk to sasuke as well as hit him for not showing up, Naruto just cant help but feel a pang hit his heart as it grows more and more. 

"I don't know about that, kakashi" Naruto hesitate as he tries not to meet eyes with him. Kakashi can see that this is really hurting Naruto. He moves his hand up to place it on Naruto shoulder. He gives it a reassuring squeeze before saying something that was stuck within Naruto mind throughout the rest of his day. 

"Naruto, listen to your heart, remember you guys can feel each other pain, listen, feel and understand the pain sasuke is going through right now at the moment" kakashi says as he gives one last squeeze to Naruto shoulder before leaving Naruto in utter confusion.

"Pain...sasuke..." Naruto says in a low whisper as he tries to comprehend the situation that just transpire right before him. 'Why would sasuke be in pain', 'He must be really sick', 'or injured' all these thoughts going through Naruto mind gave him a big headache. He holds his head and squeeze his eyes shuts as he tries to calm down his now throbbing head. 

"Naruto-kun...are you okay?" hinata says in a worry tone as she brings her hand up to touch Naruto forehead. She shrieks out a little due to feeling how hot Naruto forehead is. Naruto couldn't help but feel himself becoming dizzy as he looks up at hinata. Everything hurts, from the bright lights that was shinning brightly in the room that caused his eyes to hurt, then from his pain sickening throbbing headache that just keeps growing more and more, then lastly to his heart that keeps throbbing in pain making it feel like his heart was breaking in half. His breathing started to rapidly increase. He hold his hand over his chest, gripping at his shirt. He was suddenly having a panic attack. 

"Naruto-kun. Naruto-kun. stay with me!!" she yells which causes everyone around her to stop what they were doing. Naruto begins to sweat more and more, everything in the room around him begins to spin as he collapses on the floor gasping out for air. The last thing he seen before everything envelops into darkness was sasuke who was currently venturing out somewhere beyond the konoha village with tears streaming down his face.

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