Just 3 Words prt. 2

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Author Note: hello everyone!! Sorry for the wait with this chapter!!! I wasn't really feeling confident with this one, and I still don't as I publish this one. I'm really not feeling this chp, its..its just...*sigh*, But I hope you like it!!! *goes hide inside a cave* 

"Because we're friends" naruto says in a low audible tone, barely managing to say it as he an sasuke lay on the ground side by side covered in bruises that would take weeks to heal. Both of them just fought against eachother for the last time at the valley of the end, the same place where he and sasuke first fought at when they were kids. Both of their arms were blown off after the last fatal attack they did to one another. Blood is currently dripping from their wounds that runs down on the rocks which slowly forms into a heart between the two. Sasuke slightly turns his head to stare at Naruto. A sharp pain shoots up from his spine to his neck causing him to groan out in pain. As he looks at Naruto, he finally realizes the meaning behind "Because we're friends". Ever since their first meeting, Naruto has been very fond of sasuke. Naruto fond for sasuke ends up turning into love. Naruto has been in love with sasuke for 3 whole years. Hes been trying to tell sasuke all these years without actually using the term "I love you" towards sasuke.  Naruto felt that saying "I love you" towards your bestfriend would put even more distance between the two of them. Naruto fondness for sasuke shows up everytime that he would risk his life just to be able to save sasuke from orchimaru and the darkness. Naruto and sasuke are alike in manys ways even when it comes to them being diffenert. The only diffenerce between the two is that he didn't let his loneliness and hatred take over him and plunged him to the darkness like what end up happening to sasuke. He was hoping that sasuke would get his message but it seems like sasuke didn't get the hint. Naruto sighs as he moves his head a little to look at sasuke. Naruto hisses as a pain jolts up from his neck to his spine. As he looks over towards sasuke, his eyes widen in shock. He sees a single tear roll down his face. 'Sasuke...Sasuke Uchiha is crying...' Naruto thought to himself as he felt a pang hit his heart. after 3 years, sasuke finally got the message Naruto was trying to convey through the words "because we're friends". Sasuke felt the same way Naruto did for him and that was, love. Sasuke loved Naruto for 3 whole years. That day when sasuke was leaving the village, part of him didn't want to leave due to the fact of leaving Naruto behind but he couldn't face reality. He couldn't tell Naruto back then that he loved him so he ran off leaving Naruto uncousious on the ground that day.  Now sasuke is faced with the same situation. he is scared to tell Naruto that he loves him so he lays there on the ground as he cries feeling hopeless that he may someday lose Naruto if he doesn't say I love you sooner than later. 

~7 years later~

Its been 7 years since Sasuke and Naruto had their last fight at the valley of the end. Not only has its been 7 years since their last fight but its been 7 years since sasuke has last seen Naruto and the konoha village to be exact. Naruto tried to convince sasuke that he should stay in the village and work along side him as the hokage but sasuke didn't want to be in the village. He even tried to get sasuke an prosthetic arm but sasuke didn't want it. He was perfectly find with just having his one good arm.  There was nothing left for him at the village. His whole family is gone and everyone practically ridicule him now. If he set even a foot into the village he would get glares thrown his way, people saying things along the lines of 'get out the village, you monster', 'you don't belong here', you should die'. Sasuke didn't want to take that chance even though he knows Naruto would make sure that no one would lay a finger on him.  After leaving the village sasuke has went on a journey of self relevation. trying to find himself and understand more of who he is. A lot of things has happen during those 7 year gap period. But one thing is for certain, his feelings for Naruto was still there. He couldn't help but smile as he starts to think back to when he and Naruto was kids. Both on the same team and bickering at eachother like an old marry couple. He couldn't help but feel his heart go all warm as he start to feel butterflies in his stomach. The warmness in his heart ends up turning into pain as he starts to remember the day when he left the village, the broken look on Naruto face as he tried his hardest to stop him that day. The memories kept flooding in, one by one, eventually until it hit the worse when it was the moment he had met Naruto for the second time ever since he left the village. Sasuke remember that day so clearly, even when his eyes was gone he could sense how much pain Naruto was going through just because of him. Even as the bright light was shinning brightly infront of sasuke, the bright light was also flickering, almost as if it was to go out but it was still holding on by a thread. Sasuke squeeze his eyes shut as he tries his hardest to get rid of the horrible memories. The memories eventually stops when he sees Naruto smiling face appears into his mind. 

"I love you" sasuke says to himself as he think about Naruto. Sasuke been thinking about the day when he would finish his journey and make his way back to konha village and today is the day. Even when he knows he would be ridicule by the people of the village, he could care less about what the people thought, he was here for naruto and only naruto.  After 7 years without seeing Naruto, sasuke decides today is going to be the day that he not only visit Naruto but the day he would confess his love for him. Sasuke cant help but hope that Naruto some what feels the same way he does for him. Sasuke was currently in the forest, heading his way towards the direction of the village until he stops in his tracks. Sasuke sees a messaging bird fly towards him. Sasuke automatically notices that its from Naruto. Even though sasuke has been away, Naruto still finds way to communicate with him by sending letters. He never came to vist him by shadow clone or in person but for some reason Naruto somewhat knew where sasuke was exactly at when he was on his journey. The bird flies towards sasuke, loosing his grip in the process as he drops the scroll into sasuke open palm. The bird flies away from him and flies towards a near by tree. As sasuke unfolds the scroll and sees the message, he instanlty felt his heart shattered into millions of pieces. The message from Naruto was about him inviting sasuke to his and hinata wedding. Sasuke couldn't believe what he was reading. The wedding was being held next week on a Tuesday at 2pm. Before sasuke can register the information, tear droplets started to land on the paper one by one. His tears was starting to cloud his vision making it hard for him to read the rest of the message. But he didnt care what else was on the scroll because his heart was hurting too much. Hot tears starting to stream down his face follow by him feeling his breathing being cut short. His hand was starting to shake violently,  his heart was beating fast. He felt his legs gave away underneath him causing him to collapse to the ground as let his cries escape out. 

"I love you, damn it!!!!...I...love...you" he cries out as he places a hand over his chest as he grips his shirt.  His cries echoed throughout the open area. His heart was shattered and it would never be the same. He loved Naruto for so many years. Naruto had been there for him. Tapping at the glass window, waving as he tries to get sasuke attention but sasuke was so far into the darkness that he ignores everything around him. He was so naïve, so foolish to not realized sooner on how much Naruto loved him. That day...that same day at the valley of the end where they had their last fight should have been the day that he confessed his feelings for Naruto. Now it was too late. Naruto found the love of his life and he was going to be happy. Just knowing that sasuke wasn't the one to bring happiness to his life made his heart break even more. A leaf from the tree branch falls slowly infront of sasuke. The leaf was spilt in half almost representing sasuke broken heart. After a few mins of crying his heart out sasuke rolled the invitation up and sticks it in his pocket. He gets up off the ground and slowy makes his way to the shaded tree. Sasuke slowy sits down as he lets his back be firmly pressed up against the hard tree trunk. As he sits there he starts to think about all the moments yet again between him and Naruto. A single tear  escape the corner of his eyes an rolls down his face ending at his chin were it eventually drops off landing onto his black pants. He was tired, mentally and physically, he still couldn't believe that Naruto, whom he loved practically his whole life is getting married and it was nothing he could. 

'maybe... maybe this is the end...for me' sasuke says as he digs into his left pants pocket, pulling out a sharp edge kunai knife. The place Naruto worked so hard for sasuke to get out of; the darkness, came creeping back into sasuke life. As he holds the kunai knife, He aims it at his heart and slowly closes his eyes, waiting for impact as everything around him slowly engulfed into darkness. 

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