Link's realisation

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Link's point of view

I woke up with a start as I heard the rain tapping against my window. I looked around the room. 'I have to get ready for work' I thought. I got out of bed and started my weekly rutene. I only work on Wednesdays and I only do therapy for three people dark and two others. I have a favorite, though he is crazy dark is unlike the rest. He has a sane look in his eyes... his beautiful crimson eyes that glow with happiness every time they lock on to me. Oh what am I thinking I can't love him he's crazy, I put on my tie and started to make some coffee. But he is sane when he is around me, he loves me and I am feel ashamed to feel the same but I do. Stop it brain, he's a man and I'm a man it's not okay my family would hate me if I brought home some crazy man and said "oh we're getting married." I burned my tongue on my coffee and it made me realize that dark is the one I love, the one I need, the one I want to live the rest of my life with. I just have to find a way to get him out of that crazy house of crazy people that aren't even as sane as him. He had problems but everyone has a problem or two, he deserves better, and his better is with me. I'm not going to work today. I'm going to find a new job and then tonight I will get him out of there even if I have to take lives I will make him happy. "WHAT ARE YOU THINKING LINK, GET YOURSELF TOGETHER MAN, YOU CANT KILL PEOPLE THAT WILL SCARE HIM" I mentally scolded myself. I won't kill anyone but I will save him from the thing that is slowly making him like the others, I will make him happy again today but this time it will be forever.

link x (insane!) dark link lemonWhere stories live. Discover now