the secret

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Link's point of view

Stepped into the unstable walls of the asylum listening to the insane talking to themselves saying odd and very lewd things. As I walked down the pale echoing halls I made it to darks room opening the very stable door that unless you have a key card you can't get in or out, the only stable thing about this place. I stepped inside quietly just in case he was sleeping. There was no sicureity cameras so this was going to be rather easy. I peered over at him, he was crying in his sleep. I woke him hopefully taking him out of his miserable state of mind. "Link, what are you doing here" dark said in a tierd voice. "I'm here to get you out of this, I realized that you are the one I love and I want you to be with me" I replied in a soft conforting voice. "Okay" he said getting up. I led him out of his room and down the underground exit made just in case a crazy person gets out and led him to my car where we drove to my house.  When we got there I took him up to my bedroom. "You have to keep this a secret okay" I said crashing my lips on to his

A/n: so am going to write lemon next also fun question how long did it take you to beat the water temple comment how long it took you it took me 3 hours and 20 minutes to beat it the first time but when I did it again I did in in 40 min

link x (insane!) dark link lemonWhere stories live. Discover now