Daddy's blood

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Link's pov

"No! Stop" I heard Dark yelp as he was twitching on the floor. I've had to deal with these things before while I was at the asylum. I had to give him what he liked to get him out of that stance. But I was tied up. Thankfully I took classes on how to get out of situations like these. Luckily it was only a slip knot so all I had to do was pull my wrist apart. I got one hand out and untied the other. I got up and started to fumble. I realized that the thong was pooling around my ankles. I took it off and pulled down the dress. I crouched down to the squirming dark an started stroking his hair. What dose Dark like? I wondered. Then I remembered. Daggers. I went to my room and pulled out his favorite one. My father's dagger. I put it in his hands and he clutched it. His expression started to relax. He woke up. "This one isn't my favorite" he said twisting it around in his hand. "But it made me feel safe so I thank you" he said. He's so crazy now, I almost said out loud. "My favorite has been gone for many years" he said. I looked at him. I remember a weapon being in his files. I still have them. "Hold on" I said going upstairs. The files were the key to his heart. I had to use the info wisely. It was like a puzzle. I pulled a sharp object out of the plastic bag. It was a shard of glass with a duck tape handle. It looked like a dagger. It was stained with blood though. I shouldn't wash it off. I know the blood wasn't his because there was a note in the bag that said that there was two murders. Dark was very vulgar as a child. Was I next? No. He would never. I looked more through his files and saw that there was a blood stained note in it. It also had some other yellow liquid but it wasn't pee. I knew that for a fact. It was in the handwriting of a 4 year old. It read: he had no use all he was is a monster! He didn't desarv to live and I wish I stabed him more than 12 times! 

He stabbed a man 12 times? That made me cringe. What could anger a child that much? What could drive a human being that crazy? I went back into the basement and gave Dark the 'dagger' and he smiled. "Hehe this brings back one of my happiest memories" he said licking the old blood off the weapon. "Daddy's blood is so tasty!" He said holding the glass to my lips. I backed up. "No thanks, I'm n-not hungry" I said. He laughed. "Hahaha I don't care if you are hungry or not! Just one taste, for me?" He pleaded. I rolled my eyes and licked the glass. I immediately regret my choice as I gag on the copper like taste. It tasted salty as well like it was blood from an animal or something. It was rotten blood. I licked rotten blood. I put my hands on my mouth and screamed. "Haha you are so cute!" He said, licking the weapon again. "THREE WORDS! YOU. ARE. DISGUSTING!!!" I yelled at him. "Says the one who likes cum in their potatoes!" He said glaring at me~

A/n ITS YA BOI ok I'm not finishing that one so yea some smut is coming up to lighten the mood so stay tuned and also stay gay!

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