Mischief Managed (Fred Weasley)

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"Take care of yourselves, Freddie, Georgie," I whispered, placing a kiss atop each of their fiery red heads. "Be safe, okay? I'll see you when it's over."

The Room of Requirement was nearly empty now. Ginny Weasley stood fuming in the corner where she'd just finished arguing fiercely with her mother.

"(Y/N)," George started, panicked. "Please, stay here. You can—"

"—look after Ginny," Fred finished, pleading with me.

I sighed, shaking my head. "The Order needs all the help they can get. You can't just stick me in a room and hope I'll be safe. There will be no safe if we lose. Don't you understand?" I took one of their hands in each of my own. "I love you guys, truly I do. But if you won't let me fight, then I won't let you. After all, we're in this together, aren't we?"

Fred smiled sadly, crushing me to his chest before passing me to George. Quietly, we pressed our foreheads together, like we had done so many times before.

"I solemnly swear that I am up to no good," we murmured together. And sweet Merlin I prayed that this would not be the last time I saw the twins.

• • •

Death Eaters. Death Eaters everywhere. Unforgivable curses ricocheted off the castle walls, the crash of stone and spell deafening. I shushed the little first year partially hidden in my robes, petting his hair soothingly.

"You're going to be alright," I whispered, hurrying him down the corridor. "Right this way dear, just through here." I hurried him into the Room of Requirement, closing the door securely behind us. "Right," I stammered, fixing his robes the best I could. "you stay here." The little boy was sobbing in earnest now, clinging to my leg. "Hush now, baby," I cooed, kneeling to his level. "I'll see you again soon." He hiccuped loudly, clinging to my hand as I passed him to one of the older witches who was watching over the children we hadn't managed to evacuate in time.

"P-p-promise?" the boy mumbled, wide-eyed. My heart broke. There were dangers of making promises you couldn't keep.

"I'll try my best," I whispered, kissing him softly on the cheek. "Be good now."

My heart stuttered. A strange heat had begun to emanate from the ring on my right hand. I froze, staring in horror as one small word blossomed across the gold metal. A name. Fred.

With that I was off, tearing back down the corridor to the heart of the battle. Something was terribly wrong. Something awful was about to happen.

• • •


"Here, put these on."

The twins stared dubiously at the golden bands I placed in their palms.

"What—" said Fred.

"In the world—" said George.

"Is this?" they finished together.

"Rings," I replied, matter-of-factly.

"We can see that," Fred muttered, eyeing the band suspiciously. "This isn't a prank is it, (Y/N)?"

"Yeah," George chimed in. "They aren't going to shrink until our fingers pop off, will they?"

I laughed, shaking my head. "No, they're a safety precaution. It'll help me know if you're ever in serious danger."

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