Chapter 1

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Genji is a thief for hire. He steals what he's told and get paid for it but it doesn't stop him from taking other items. It's a simple life, a good life none the less. His next job was probably one of his most difficult jobs to date. Steal a case file and any evidence relating to it from the police station.

His foot tapped nervously on the roof across the police station. Thoughts of doubt crossed his mind as the moon waned over head. The plan was simple cut the power to the Station and take out anyone who was foolish enough to get in his way. The lights in the station went out as well as the street lights in the nearby area. That was his signal to get to work. He was surprised that the EMP worked much less that it didn't fry his mask. The climb down the building and up the station was quick. The air vent was his entrance and exit as he unscrewed it grate and slipped down into the station. "Hey Tom turn on your flashlight" "It ain't working Jim" "I guess it's just another problem from the evidence room again" the cops bantered. Genji didn't mind much attention to it as he crawled through the air duct. The file should be in the Detective Morrison's offices which is a floor below him as he dropped down on to the ground beneath the air ducts. He turned his mask on. Heat signatures showed up around him. He snuck passed the two cops as they continued to talk about the Martin case. The Martins were the one who hired him. His footsteps were silent as he made his way down stairs. It was the third door to the left. A detective stood in his way. Genji's arm went around their throats and his hand in front of their mouth. The body went limp as he slung them over his shoulder. He made it to the office. His hands opened the door quickly and quietly. He set the unconscious detective down. He began to go through the office looking for the file. Once it was found he safely stowed it away in his bag. He heard the cocking of guns as the room lit up with flashlights. "You are under arrest put your hands up and get on the ground" he heard some one bark at him. Genji squinted only to the Martin boss standing next to Detective Morrison. This was a set up. His head turned around to see his escape route. He kicked the office chair towards the door and jumped through the window. His eyes widen as the ground approached rapidly. By a struck of luck he landed on the awning above the Police stations door. Gunshots rang out as Genji slid off the Awning into the street. He heard someone scream behind.

Angela never consider herself a daredevil but she would not be letting the thief she's spent three years tracking and trying to capture escape this time. She jumped out of the window praying that she would live. The awning caught her as well. Her body slid down it. She began shooting at the thief. A bullet dug it self into his leg as he ran across the street. Angela gave chase after him. The thief managed just barely to get over the fence of an old apartment complex. She continued scaled the fence with ease, landing on top of the thief. "You have the right to remain silent. If you do say anything, what you say can be used against you in a court of law.You have the right to consult with a lawyer and have that lawyer present during any questioning. If you cannot afford a lawyer, one will be appointed for you if you so desire "she said while cuffing him, he groaned in pain as yanked him up into the sitting position. "Now let see what you look like creep" ripping off his mask. Her heart stop for a minute. He wasn't like she had pictured him to be. She had expected a scared face and for him to be bald not for him to be so fucking cute and attractive.

Genji cursed himself. His hands working quickly to lockpick the cuffs. He felt her hands run through his hair. "You're actually quite the looker" she commented. He felt the cuff unlock as she began to trail off about what she thought he look like. "Well thank you but if it's all the same to you I really must be going" he stated before hand cuffing her. "Sayōnara" he said grabbing his masks and fleeing

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