Chapter 10

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Two days later

Genji leaped over Alleyways, the wind blew through his hair as police sirens filled the night. He was unsure of what had transpired that evening but it cause him great confusion. For he could not remember who he was!

Earlier that night

The night began as it normally does with him doing stretches all the while Sombra went over the plan. Mcree wasn't in their little gang anymore since him and Sombra had a falling out. That is a tale for another time. They were testing out the new gear the resent tech wiz put together. There was electric shock gloves, knockout gas pellets, and an automatic lock picking device also know as the ALPD. Genji decided to test them out at the local bank. There was no major risk of cops and if goes wrong it was an easy escape. The climb to the banks roof was short, yet getting the ventilation shaft cover to come off was another problem entirely. He tried to pull off to but couldn't. Next he tried unscrewing the bolts but failed. The loud slam coming from his earpiece told him Sombra just slammed her head on the desk. She ordered him to set the ALPD on the roof door and to throw the pellets into the air duct. He did as she asked. Genji made his way into the bank. Everyone was asleep , which meant he could do as he pleases. He stole every dollar and piece of fine jewelry in the place. He excited the same way he came in but to his surprise a woman garbed in black waiting there for him.

Angela watched him enter the bank. Lena had confronted her about a day ago. She said to change his ways or he is getting sent to jail. The plan was to scare him. When he exited she was there waiting for him. He tilted his head sideways in confusion before shrugging his shoulder and moving to the side of the roof. She tried as hard as possible to make her footsteps silent. Her hand grabbed his shoulder and spun him around. She whispered words of warning as sinister as possible. He stepped back and fell into the alley below. Her eyes widened in horror as his head slammed into the fire escape and landing into the dumpster. She climbed down quickly almost screaming his name. His hand hung out of the dumpster as she approached it with caution. He groaned in pain but was not moving. Her hands slipped under neath his body careful not to cause anymore damage to him. Her apartment was about a ten minute walk from here but he did not have the time. She called Lena in panic telling her everything that happened. Lena said to stay there she was on her way. Angela tore a piece of her clothing off a wrapped it around his head. 'Oh god not him to' she thought holding him in her arms. The rain began to drizzle. Lena's squad car pulled up. She hopped out of it and helped Angela lay her beloved into the back. They sped toward Angela's apartment. It was to risky to take him to the hospital for it could reveal his identity to everyone.

Angela laid him on the couch and began to bandage his head properly. The bleeding slowed but still she was worried. Once she was finished she set him in her room, letting him rest. Lena brewed Chamomile Tea to help calm her friend but Angela was to worry to drink anything. It was her fault. He would hate her. She began to pace the kitchen. Fahreea got home and began to question why Angela was so  distraught. Angela noticed how an hour had passed and went to check on him but found him missing. The window was open and none of his stuff was missing.

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