Chapter 11

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Back to The present

Genji continued to run, only stopping to see where he was going. He heard someone screaming a name. Cops cars sped by on the road below chasing a black 1969 Dodge Charger. Stopping to watch with keen interest, he noted how there were 10 cars chasing the Charger and the driver is a middle age man wearing a skull or barn owl mask cackling like a madman.  A group of women scanned the roofs looking for something as the cars raced by. One shouted the name Genji over and over again. He assumed they needed help finding their friend. Dropping down onto a fire escape in the alley next the the roof he was on and climbing down it to meet them.

She saw his head poke out the alleyway with a goofy smile plastered on his face. Her heart warmed on this frigid October night at the sight of him. He was all right except for the fact that there was a new feeling around him.

"Genji thank god you're safe!" She exclaim "Who is this Genji you speak of?" His brow scrunching in confusion. 'Was this one of his pranks or something worse?' She thought approaching him cautiously. Lena laughed it off thinking he's just being funny.

Genji walked out from out of the alleyway, towards the group. The blonde one reached her hand to take his. He took her hand vigilant of what could happen. She pulled him along towards the building he escaped from. The other two ladies followed a respectful distance in order not to spook him, he noted. When they made it into the apartment it was about 2:00 in the morning. She told him to sit on the couch while she fetched some tea.

Angela pulled Fareeha to the side, out of ear shot of Genji. She asked her to call Mcree and invite him over. Fareeha questioned her reasons for this but Angela dismissed the questions.

Genji looked around the living room his head swiveling like a office chair. It was a cozy place. The living room was a nice light blue and the furniture was black. Being arraigned in a L kept the room nice and open with few hiding places. The nice woman sat next him and talked about things that seemed familiar but were all the more of a haze. She had two cups of coffee, apologizing because she had just ran out of tea. It didn't faze him though because she was very beautiful and had a hypnotic accent that laced her words. It was almost like listening to an Angel that came down to Earth. He was unsure of what was happening but an urge deep down told him to kiss her. She was so close to him that it would cause all that much of a problem to but he retrained himself as roars of disapproval crashed his mind. He drone out the loud crash for a moment to remember her name:Angela. It escaped his lips and her eyes opened wide with delight. It is such a beautiful name but you suppose it would only belong to someone just as beautiful.

Angela's hand trembled for a moment when he said her name. She want to ask if he could remember anything else but didn't want to ruin the moment. Her heart fluttered for a moment as they leaned in closer and were mere centimeters away from kissing when a loud knock came from the door. He let out a small sigh when she answered the door.

Mcree stood in the doorway with a suitcase full of Genji's possessions. Sombra had been making back door deals with some corrupted cops and intended to sell them out. He walked in on one of these deals. Genji's fate was sealed if he continued to work with Sombra. Mcree couldn't let her do that to him. Angela brow scrunched with confusion as Mcree told her this. He tried to tell her this her chance to make Genji a detective with her and get him away from his life of crime. She sighed and wished for this horrible night to end. Mcree pleaded for her to but couldn't convince her to. Still he's not leaving his friend to become a husk of who he once was.

Across the roof was a man who was built like a god but brought doom to any man he met. He watched his foes but did nothing for he planned to humiliate the Shimada family name in front of the entire city just as they had done his and nothing was going to stop him.

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