Chapter 3

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C H A P T E R  T H R E E

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C H A P T E R  T H R E E

Shivaay was sleeping soundly. He was hugging a pillow and smiling  sheepishly. The duvet was nowhere to be seen. Nobody could say he was the same arrogant business man, whom everybody knows, if they had a glance of how he sleeps. He woke up, stretched his arms and then again thought of the incidence that took place a day ago. He blamed her for peeping in his dreams.

Anika at her house was sleeping hugging a teddy, at times snoring when suddenly her phone rang. She cursed the caller and picked up the phone without seeing the caller ID. She spoke, “Who is there? Does anybody call this early? Keep the phone, call me at 7 and let me sleep!” She was very much awake at night, playing with her baby brother who complained her for not giving him time. Anika too felt that many days have passed since their solitary walks at his favourite places. So they went ahead and chatted to their fullest.

The person on the call said, “Miss Anika let me remind you, its already past eight thirty and you have not shown to cafe till now. Today there is a discount so a number of people will be there. I am going out with my wife, so you have to manage everything alone. And wake up early or you will be out of your job!” He finished being annoyed.

Anika threw her phone on the couch and yelled, “Ah, work life sucks!” She freshened up in 20 minutes and went out. There she met her lovely aunties and grandmas who have her a knowing smile. “Anika beta again late today?” She smiled helplessly and reached CCD in another 20 minutes huffing and puffing.

Shivaay freshened up and went to the breakfast table saying greetings to everyone. Suddenly there was a new entry at the door. Pinky exclaimed happily, “Oh my maata ,Tia is here.”

Shivaay went over to her and gave her a hug. He then bent a little and said, “Hey champ how are you? See uncle is here.” He was always overjoyed when he saw Tia. A man came from behind, held Tia’s hand and exchanged pleasantries with everyone. They all began chattering at the dining table.

Dushyant spoke, “Shivaay I need help from you. I am going to Singapore for a few days so I cannot leave Tia alone. So I brought her here and the fact that she was excited to meet all of you, added more to it. I really hope you won't mind. . . .”

Shivaay glared at him and spoke frowning, “Dushyant this is not done, you are asking a favor, its my duty brother! Tia is my best friend cum sister. You need not to worry. I am glad that you brought her here. Haina tia!” He winked at her and she gave a broad smile, her shiny pearls on display.

While dushyant was going tia spoke, “I'll miss you baby. Come back soon.” She was sad but didn’t show as she doesn’t wanted him to cancel his deal.

He gave her a bone crushing hug and a quick kiss on her cheek and waved “Goodbye. I will come soon.”

He called Shivaay for a moment near him. “Shivaay you have to take extra care for her as she is five months pregnant and has mood swings. Hope you can manage.” He completed being a little embarrassed, a red flush adorning him.

Shivaay smiled and said, “Of course Dushyant.” Both went in their respective cars to reach their destination.

Shivaay took a long route that goes through CCD so that he would be able to see her once more. His hands from driving automatically stopped when he saw her there managing everything. "Why not go inside?" He thought. He remembered that he forgot to take his espresso in the morning, so there was an excuse he can put.

He went inside and sat on the corner table. She came and greeted him. “Thank you for saving me that day and really sorry for the events that took place. I swear they weren't intentional and occurred involuntarily.” She apologized.

Shivaay being in his usual tadi said, “I was getting late and if I had told the truth then I would also have to stand there while your boss would be giving you an earful. That’s why I saved you.” She murmured tadibaaz and left from there not before asking the order.

Soon there was a whole bunch of people crowding in the CCD. Shivaay saw that she was continuously moving here and there checking the preparations. His gaze never left her. Suddenly he saw while walking she twisted her leg causing a sprain in her ankle. Still she moved. With pain.

He went to her and said “Can’t you see you have sprained your leg, you should go and rest. Other people are there to take care here.” He was annoyed. He wanted to pick her up on his own, bridal style and then put her to sleep but restrained himself.

She ignored him and started walking when suddenly she was about to fall. She didn’t felt the hard surface. She opened her eyes to see him holding her in his soft yet strong arms. She composed herself when she felt him again holding her wrist. He took her to the table where he was sitting as all were already occupied. He made her sit there and glared at her not to move again.

She agreed thereafter. Sitting there nothing to do she asked, “I am getting bored. Let’s talk.” He was now getting late for office but he knew if he’ll leave then she’ll work again.

“Okay, only for sometime. He asked ”So who are in your family, mamma, papa, sister, brother. . . .” She interrupted him saying, “Only brother”, water clearly visible in her eyes. He did not know what to do. He held her hands assuring everything would go smoothly. She felt relaxed and nodded her head slightly.

He left from there after making sure that she wouldn't get up for sometime. He reached his office and began doing his work but his heart was still not willing to leave her thoughts.

He went home and relaxed, had an Obro moment, made French toast with peri peri sauce, discussed some issues of his office with his Badepapa and gave a surprise gift to his mother-a diamond necklace. After making sure everybody including Tia slept, he too dozed off thinking about her again.

There was a knock on his door, he opened to find Tia standing there. She said, “Shivaay can you please fetch me an ice cream. My baby is really hungry. Please. . . .” She trailed with puppy eyes. He nodded and went ahead as promised to his friend. Everyone was sleeping and so were the drivers so he himself drove in search of an ice cream parlor.

When he reached there he was shocked out of his wits, goosebumps accompanied him and his mouth went ajar. There was she, in the chilly cold sky, at this hour of night munching on an ice cream.

Heyaa everyone. Thanks a lot for the votes, really appreciate it from the bottom of my heart. Always smile like never before :)

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