The Wisdom of Luqman

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Luqman Al Hakim; this is the full name found in many books of tafseer. He was neither a prophet nor messenger from Allah (SWT). He was very pious, upright and righteous person of his time.

He was born in Southern part of Egypt and move to Palestine to seek knowledge. He lived from the time of Dawood (AS) to the reign of his Son Suleman (AS). Some of the scholars write that Luqman was a salve; he was mistreated by his master during the slavery period.

When his master finds out about his wisdom and knowledge, he appreciates Luqman so much that he actually gave him his freedom. One of the cases that took place between Luqman and his master was, one day he gave Luqman a sheep and asks him to slaughter it and bring him the best part from this sheep, after slaughtering Luqman came back with tongue and heart.

Next day again Luqman's master call him in and gave him another sheep and asked him to bring the worst parts of this sheep. After some time Luqman came back and he gave tongue and heart of the sheep to the master. His master chuckled; what are these Luqman, the same thing you bring me yesterday as the best part, today are the worst parts in your opinion. Can you explain me your philosophy?

Luqman said with this tongue and heart you can conquer people and with same tongue and heart you can make people your enemy. The usage of these two parts can determine the outcome you want in your life. It's all about how you use them for others.

Allah (SWT) praised this common man for his wisdom, his knowledge to understand things according to their true meaning. Allah (SWT) speaks about this moment when Luqman gave advise to his young son that; the white of mustard seed and that white of seed is inside in a rock, and that rock is anywhere in heavens or on the earth; Allah can see it.

Means you can't hide yourself from Allah. He knew everything, He can see everything everywhere; any time of the day if you are doing anything on any place, Allah knows it.

The second advice that Luqman gave his son was to establish prayer in your life. When you pray, you did this as an obligation of religion, and just so that you have to deliver that liability of prayers that will be questioned on judgment day. The purpose of the prayer is to forget everything and focus on the righteousness as you were standing in front of Allah.

But when you establish prayer, you actually applied that the concept of prayer in your life. You always follows the righteous path, you always know that Allah is watching you, as prayers, he is now in front of you. This establishment of prayer can help you to become conscious of Allah (SWT).

When the prayers are actually established it will reflect on your life by all means. Another thing he told his to be patient, where ever you go, whatever you do; don't let go your patience. There can be good times in life and sometime bad things happens, don't lose your patience. In good time, always thanks to Allah (SWT) for it and in bad time and in the time of hardship always maintain the patience.

Another advice he gave his son was; not to turn your face away from the people. Means don't walk with the burden of pride on you. The person even with the tiniest mote of pride in his attitude will not go to paradise. Don't ever thing you are superior to another person; may be Allah (SWT) considered you as the worse person among others.

Lower your tone while you speak with others, walk humbly and try to be polite with other. Give respect to others. Yelling and shouting is an attitude of a donkey. Keep this in mind you don't have to be so sweet that anyone can swallow you, and don't be so sour that everyone spits you. Maintain balance in your life and attitude. Don't give too much, and don't take too much.

Have hopes on Allah (SWT) with his fear, and Have fear of Allah (SWT) with the hope that he will forgive you. (Allah is entirely merciful, the especially merciful).

Scholars of tafseer wrote that Luqman Al Hakim passed away and buried in Palestine, some says in Yemen and other narrated that he was buried in Egypt. This was Luqman, for whom Allah (SWT) speaks in Qur'an, praised his knowledge and wisdom, his righteousness.

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