Al Khidr (AS) and Musa (AS)

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It was the time when Israelite followed Musa (AS) and time to time Musa(AS) address them and tell everything that everything Allah(SWT) revealed upon him. Every bit and pieces of knowledge he knows he delivers during his address to Israelite. The crowed were significantly impressed with this knowledge of Musa (AS).

One day when Musa (AS) finished his speech, a man from the crowd came to him and asked him that is he the most knowledgeable human being in world. After a moment Musa (AS) thought that everything he knows was directly revealed to him by Allah (SWT). So he answered that man, yes I am the most knowledgeable person; Musa (AS) answered.

A few days passed, Musa was walking near to the bank of the river, Allah (SWT) revealed on him that you are not the most knowledgeable person in this world; when someone asked you about your knowledge or this question you should say that only Allah knows the best. Allah (SWT) then said to Musa (AS) to look at the bird that is drinking water from that river. The water in its beak is the Knowledge we gave you in compare to the knowledge what i have is the river.

Then Allah (SWT) revealed on Musa (AS), that one of my salves in Majma Al Bahrain has more knowledge than you have. Musa (AS) asked Allah (SWT) where to find him? Allah (SWT) revealed that you can find him near the big rock. Musa (AS) asked there many rocks that are big how I would know that this is the man I am looking for. I need more sign. Allah (SWT) revealed that Musa take a dead fish and put it in a bowl, when this fish came to life then that man is near you.

Musa (AS) with Joshua started their search together for this man. Musa (AS) told Joshua that when this dead fish inside this lunch box comes to life you should immediately inform me about it. This is the sign that we are near that man. Musa(AS) said: I will not quit my search until I find this man, even I have to walk till these river splits( mean he will find this man till eternity).

While they were travelling they saw a rock where they settle down for the rest. This rock was close to the sea shore; when Musa (AS) and Joshua fell asleep, Allah commanded the water to go near to the fish. And by the will of Allah (SWT) that fish came to life jump out of the box and swam into the water and made it back to the sea.

When Musa (AS) and Joshua woke up they start their journey again from the same point where they slept. They travelled far enough on foot and after few hours Musa (AS) asked Joshua to prepare some food for the lunch. They were both hungry. On this point Joshua remember about the fish. He told Musa(AS) about the fish that it was missing and devil made him forgot to tell inform you about this.

Musa (AS) asked is this common thing for you that a dead fish comes to life and swam in to the water. The scholar of tafseer says that; For Joshua this might seem a common thing because being a companion of Musa (AS), he have seen miracle or greater miracle. Fish comes to life jumping out of the bowl and swam away is no big thing for him.

Musa (AS) and Joshua go back to the point where the slept following the foot track the left on the sea shore. After walking several hours they managed to find that same rock where that fish came to life. When they reach there, they find a man over there, he was covering his face.

Musa (AS) asked: what are you doing here at the cross section of these seas. The man turned around and met Musa (AS) very humbly and introduced himself as Al Khidr. Musa (AS) recognized him that he is the man they were looking for. Musa (AS) introduced himself as the Musa of Israelite and he wants to follow him as a student; he want to learn from his knowledge.

Al Khidr replied to Musa (AS) that; I have knowledge that you don't know and you have the knowledge that I don't know. Musa (AS) asked again to be his student and Al Khidr rejected his request. After some time when Musa (AS) pleaded Al Khidr accept him as his student but with a condition.

This was a simple and only condition that Musa (AS) will not questioned his action, that why he did this, how he did this and where he did this; until Al Khidr want to explain those to him. He has to remain composed and patient during the journey of the knowledge. Musa (AS) agreed and start following him being a student.

Al Khidr along with Musa (AS) was travelling together near the sea shore where the saw a new transportation boat with a group of people. These people know Al Khidr and they have respect for him and when Al Khidr asked them for the ride they didn't take any fare from them. While they were crossing the sea Al Khidr started to break things on the boat, scratching surface deck.

Musa (AS) asked what you are doing. Do want to drown this ship? He replied, didn't I told you to be patient and not to ask any questions? Musa (AS) honored there agreement. When they reach the land they begin their journey again on the foot. After few miles they found a group of young boys playing there. Al Khidr grabs his sword and chops the head of one of the boy from the group.

Musa (AS) asked again why did you killed an innocent soul that haven't don't anything wrong. Al Khidr again said the same thing didn't I asked you to be patient. Don't question my actions. Al Khidr gave Musa (AS) third chance, not to interfere again.

They start walking again towards the village that was few miles away. When the reach that village they were very hungry, they don't have any money to buy food, they asked people and knocked many door in that village but no one gave them anything to eat.

With hunger and disappointment the pass through that village, Al Khidr saw a wall that was about to collapse. He said Musa that we should repair that wall before it collapse. They put all there effort and labor to repair that wall and made it good as new. When the work is done Al Khidr said lets go, Musa (AS) asked him why you don't ask them for money or food for all this labor.

Al Khidr Said I know you won't be patient any more now, after seeing everything I have done during this journey. I will explain you everything I did. The boat I broke and scratch; Allah (SWT) told me that there was a king coming who was taking every working boat for his fleet. I made it look shabby and useless, so that he won't take it from those poor men. This is the lesson of good out of evil.

It is like a minor evil deed that putting out the bigger evil deed. What would you prefer? A hole inside the boat or the whole boat to be stolen away? And the boy the next thing I did was always told by Allah; when that boy grew up he became evil and will kill his own parent, that's why I killed the boy. Again to stop the greater evil deed I commit another evil deed.

And the last thing we did, the walled we repaired without any compensation for our labor; it was also revealed by Allah that this wall belong to two orphans and there was a treasure buried inside that wall. If the wall collapsed then these villagers will take that treasure and those two orphans will get nothing from that treasure. By repairing that wall we have save the future of those two orphans. This was misplaced charity. These were three lesson of Al third.

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