My Character: The Eccentric Host

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Demetrius Wirothesley

He'd never tell you his age, but he appears in his mid 30s.


Demetrius is rather attractive, though one could argue the fine way he dresses makes him far more handsome. Quite the silver fox, he has straight silver hair that reaches down to over his back. He often ties his hair back with a ribbon. His eyes are also grey, but have very little dimensions to them making it even more uncomfortable to look him in the eye. He has rather faint eyebrows though he sometimes fills them in with make up, and he is clean shaven as he believes the ladies prefer him that way.
(The photo is just an example of how he dresses. I can't find a perfect model sadly.)

No one is quite sure what species he is due to how he acts. He moves as elegantly as a phantom and speaks of times long dead, is as charming as any half decent vampire and is definitely as eccentric as one, and is mad as the fae and certainly as prone to tricks as one. It seemed he is a wild as any wolf, and equal in loyalty to his friends, and has the raw appetite of a wendigo and a thrill for the hunt much the same.
Of course, this man enjoys to be the centre of attention, especially when there are beautiful women around, and enjoys causing other people's drama.

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