118 Elements: Prolougue: Gloves

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"The simplicity of occurrences never happened overnight." "The facts of life remain mysterious to those who keep living and the mysteries of death will never reach the ears of a dead person." "The philosophy of a few allowed many to live a better world." These were things that the famous "Creator" had said and followed by. 

Creator was a man who knew not of himself as "Creator". Few believed that he actually existed. All that looked at him saw a man without a care in the world. "Creator" is the name used to define the creator of one-hundred eighteen gloves. Each glove has a symbol from the Periodic Table of Elements. The element the symbol represents gives the wearer the ability to control that specified element.  

Abundance is what people fight for in this war for power. The more you have of an element doesn't necessarily make it stronger it just makes it easier to use. In this war things like money, wealth and influence don't matter on a large scale. Sure, it helps to have a few million you could spend to help you find and obtain one of the gloves, but the truth is no one can be trusted. The war exists for that and that alone, to kill the trust in the thoughts of people. 

Creator never had any true intention for creating the gloves other than curiosity. For a genius such as himself challenging the limits of his work is the only thing he could do to keep himself interested. In the normal everyday life of simple-minded weak and useless humans, Creator could do nothing to satisfy his curiosity. The mind of the weak was too little to tamper with and he had been warned by the government a number of times never to perform human experiments. 

When genius as well as several psychological problems sprouts from birth, the only thing that could be done is to keep him contained. This was a feat no man could accomplish. The beliefs of others had limited his brain capacity as it was, and with the stress of seclusion came a horrible monster no one wanted even at the age of five. In short, if you lock a genius up in an area where no one could limit his thoughts, he learns.  

In most cultures this is the reverse. Being around others will help you grow as a person and help your mind develop. Creator had a different mindset. To psychos, he was crazy. To killers, he was vicious. Worst of all, to people he was a monster. People murder each other, beat animals, call themselves better and once they're on top they kill to stay there, yet he was called the monster.  

The outcome of leaving a five-year old child who could adapt quickly alone in a cell feeding him a meal a day was a mistake. Most people would die especially at such a young age. The few amount of food he was given at times he wouldn't eat. Information had been his food.  

At the darkest hours this child would stay up thinking about everything he had experience and was going to. This mind put what he hypothesized with his blood. Every month, the smell of blood would seep out of his cell into the hallways. The smell became so bad once a guard had died from vomiting too much. 

Whenever the cleaners came, Creator had somehow ceased to stop thinking. If only for long enough to get him out clean the bloody equations on the wall and stuff him back in. The guards had wondered if the amount of blood loss each month had gotten to him. This moment of pure stupidity that Creator had for a day every month from five years old till eight had confused the watchers. 

Despite such a thing happening to Creator he really didn't have an abusive or evil childhood. In fact the reason all of that happened was because Creator had wanted it to. Creator was born with an IQ of 230 and it only went higher the more he aged. By birth, Creator was smarter than legacies of geniuses. The reason such things happened to Creator was or should have been somewhat obvious to some people. 

At four when Creator had entered Preschool for the first time he had killed a girl. Clearly knowing what he was doing, a psychologist helped trial him as an adult and he was sent to jail for twenty years. The Judicial Branch of the US government had sold him to the highest bidder. Apparently selling children had been "Constitutional".  

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