Ecco a voi i Tonight alive.
Altro gruppo dimenticato dal nostro dio hamburger (ho fame quindi shish)
Che poi ci sono gruppi/cantanti Dove non si trova nemmeno la traduzione talmente sono poco conosciuti :'(How does it feel?
Waking up to a nightmare
How the hell did I get here
Giving in to my worst fear
Tell me when it endsI was weak when you found me
Started off like a good dream
Built your walls up around me
Now they're closing inLet me go...
How does it feel?
How can you say?
That I'm the only one
You only want your way
Nothing is real
Lost in the world that you create
How does it feel?I guess I should've seen the signs
Can't believe I believed the lies
Always right in your own mind
Now I'm in too deepI was caught up in the mystery
You were running from your history
Tangled up in a memory
Tell me how you sleepLet me go...
How does it feel?
How can you say?
That I'm the only one
You only want your way
Nothing is real
Lost in the world that you create
How does it feel?How does it feel?
And how does it, feel?You can't hold me
Can't control me
Now I'm waking
Your world is breakingHow does it feel
How can you say
That I'm the only one
You only want your way
Nothing is real
Lost in the world that you create
How does it feel?Tell me how does it feel?
I can't stand you in my sight now
I like it better when I bite down
Tell me, how does it feel?Non ho trovato la traduzione, I'm sorry, ho cercato in tutti modi possibili.
Se la trovate, inviatemela in chat.
Grazie, un bacio.
Musica che non s'incula nessuno.
SonstigesCome avrete capito dal titolo, io ascolto musica che non s'incula nessuno o almeno la maggior parte. Vi scriverò i testi e la traduzione, perché io può. Poi ci saranno delle canzoni che semplicemente mi piacciono, ma in primis quelle che non si cag...