Teaming Up

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You took two days to drive from Bobby's house to Camden, Arkansas, where there are supposed signs of demon activity. You hated the drive, all you could think about was your Dad, and how much you miss him. The car still smelt like his cologne, and his belongings were still packed in a bag, sitting on the back seat.

You got to a motel, and stayed up the whole night doing research on the three victims. They are all teens, but besides that there is no other relation between them (that you could find); and they all told the police that they were hurt by someone who has black eyes.

You scoped out the first victim's house. It seemed pretty normal, so you decided to talk to their parents, posing as an "FBI" agent.

You knocked three times on the door of the house with the white picket fence. The door creaked open and you saw a middle aged woman. You pulled your badge from your coat pocket and showed it to the woman.

"FBI, ma'am. I am agent Miller, I have a few questions concerning your daughter. If you don't mind." The woman furrowed her eyebrows.

"But I already talked to the FBI. My husband and daughter did too." You nodded. There must be another hunter on this case.

"You wouldn't happen to have their card, would you? I'm sure there's been a slight misunderstanding." The woman nodded.

"Yeah, wait one second." The woman left shortly, and then came back with the card. You copied the number of "agent Harriet" on your phone, and bid the nice woman a nice day.

You sighed as you got in the car. There's a very minuscule chance that an actual FBI agent is in town, but you had to figure out anyway. You called the number you had put in your phone, while you sat in the car. Three rings until the phone was answered.

"Hello?" A female voice asked.

"Hey, are you agent Harriet?"

"Yes, who's asking."

"Um-" you paused for a second, you didn't know what to say. Ahh, screw it.

"I'm agent Miller. Also FBI. I was sent here to work this case and I think there's been a confusion." The woman hummed from the other line.

"Who sent you?" Fudge. You but your lip.

"I'm from Missouri. I can have you call my office, if you'd like."

"Yeah, sure. What's the number?" You gave the woman the number to Bobby's FBI phone. You prayed to god that he would be home.

"Alright, I will call you back in a few minutes." You replied with an "uh-huh" before hanging up the phone.

You watched your phone stilly, as you were waiting for a ring. You counted the minutes until it rang, five. You answered the call immediately.

"So you're a hunter too, huh?" You stuttered.

"Uh-um-yeah. You know Bobby?"

"Of course I do! All the right hunters do." The woman's voice chirped up, but you had no idea what she meant by what she said.

"Right, so, did you want to work this one alone?" You asked, wearily. Some hunters get territorial when it comes to working the same case.

"Actually, I could use all of the help I could get. If you don't mind working together."

"Yeah. Sure. You wanna meet up at a motel?"

"Sure thing. I'm staying at the Bluehook motel. Room 12." Odd. That was three doors down from yours.

"Okay. Let me change out of my getup and I will be there in 15." You pulled your keys out of your pocket and started the engine.

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