Living Normal

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You drove for miles, and traveled to fifteen different states looking for a decent place for you to settle down. You didn't know anyone you could go to, and you never had a place that you called home.

Your final destination was Lincoln, in Lancaster county, Nebraska. There you found a job as a barista, and an affordable apartment. It was strange, living 'normal'. Surrounded by people totally oblivious to the things that go bump in the night. You kept your fake ids, but cut up your old credit cards.

You kept up with the news and kept a watch out for any possible hunts in Nebraska. If there was a hunt, you'd go after it. After all, once you start hunting there's really no way of quitting it.

You spent just about six months, living the same routine. Wake up, work, go home, watch tv, sleep, continue. You had almost completely forgot about the hunting life, except for the fact that on your days off from work, you'd go to the gym, and work your ass off to stay in hunting shape. You didn't have (or make) time to have anybody in your life; you are like a lone wolf now, and you don't trust anybody.

Your apartment was set up simple and always clean, surprising for you, since every motel room you would stay in looked like a pigsty by the time you finished your hunt. Now you have the time to take care of yourself, and live healthy, but that doesn't mean you still don't take precautions. You had plenty of salt and holy water stored under your kitchen sink, knives strapped under tables (for easy reach), devils traps all around the ceilings and floors with invisible ink (your landlord said no tape or paint), and lastly, you kept an arsenal hidden under your bed. 

Bobby called you several times after that day at the crossroads, but you ignored all of his calls, and deleted his messages without even listening to them. If you were to pick up, or listen to a message, you knew for sure that you would get sucked right back into hunting.

The day finally came where you saw signs of demonic omens. They weren't in Nebraska, but all over the country, and you felt that you needed the escape from normal living. You promised your Dad that you would try, and you did. Living normal just isn't for you, not with the way you were raised. You were raised to save lives.

You packed all of your things, told your landlord you were moving out, and quit your job. You couldn't wait to get your hands on one of these hunts.

Given that you have been an antisocial to the hunting world for so many months, you haven't caught up on what's going on. So that is why you decided to take a visit to Bobby's.


You wearily walked up to Bobby's door, unsure of what his reaction is going to be when he sees you. You knocked three times and sighed. This is it. No turning back.

The door creaked open (after a while of locks turning and latches flipping), and Bobby stared at you, teary eyed.

"God damn it, Y/N, come here." Bobby pulled you into a tight hug.

"Hey Bobby." You both pulled away from the hug. Bobby splashed holy water on your face and you sighed.

"Seriously Bobby?" You wiped the water away from your eyes.

"Just a precaution."

"You look good. How is the normal life treating you?" You walked further into Bobby's home, everything looked the same as last time you saw it.

"Not so great. I don't like it that much." You took a seat on a chair.

"Well, that makes two of us. Hunters stay hunters. Want a beer?"

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