Chapter 24

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Clarke and Octavia joined Lincoln and Roan seated at a table to the side of the bar.

"Ladies" Roan stated standing and pulling a chair out for Clarke as Lincoln did for Octavia.

"Thank you" they both replied. They ordered their food, had a few drinks and talked quietly among themselves. They ordered another round of drinks just as a louder group came in, Dax and Emerson leading the pack.

Clarke sighed seeing the the new arrivals. She hated being out. She missed Bellamy, and the longer she sat here the more she drank.

"Clarkey, we never see you anymore" a feminine voice came from the group. She glanced in that direction. Bree.

"Don't have an answer? Maybe all those rodeo riders are wearing you out." Dax threw in her direction.

"Don't you remember she's a rodeo rider too, and a rancher, she's too good for us" Emerson explained enthusiastically.

Lincoln shifted and Roan leaned back in his chair taking in the group across the room.

"Guys, let it be" Clarke spoke softly.

"Clarke, I can call Miller" Octavia offered.

"Nope, I'm used to it"

"You shouldn't be"

They finished there drinks and stood making there way to the bar to pay.

"Hey, you up for some pool? where's that dress? or is that just a Blake special?" She could feel his breath on the back of her neck. She hit her limit, she had too much to drink and took too much of his bullshit.

"Fuck you dax" She turned on her heel to face him.

"I've tried to convince you, I'm just not good enough remember"

"I've never said that, but it seems you have figured it out on your own." Clarke stated.

"Your a real bitch."

"That's funny, you too, just in the coward context. All you do is piss and moan about everything, stand on your own too feet, make something of yourself, and leave me alone" She stated. The whispers from behind him in his group of friends were feeding the frenzy inside of him. She met his glare with her own.

"At least I'm not a whore, you sure are working your way through the rodeo world." she felt movement beside her.

"What are you going to protect her?, Ensure your ride tonight is in good condition" Dax edged Roan on.

Clarke swung connecting with Dax, he faltered momentarily, blood spilling from the corner of his mouth. She stood tall watching him wipe his mouth on his sleeve. She was certain it was over but he surprised her when he swung back connecting with her cheek.

"Fuck" she swore as her hand flew to her face, she saw stars, and not just one or two, a whole damn galaxy crossed her vision.

"You wan't to man up and swing I'm gonna fight back. I don't care if your a woman or not."Dax stated.

"Yup, let me tell you how impressed we all are" Lincoln stated grabbing him as Roan guided the girls through the crowd.

"Go home"

"You guys are welcome to come by" Octavia offered. Clarke's door shutting echoed in the night.

"I'll let Lincoln know, I'm sure we have had enough excitement though. " He laughed. She nodded.

"Tell him I'll call him in the morning" She smiled. He nodded gave Clarke a wave and headed back in to find Lincoln.

Octavia got in, shut her door and started the truck. She sighed before looking to Clarke.

"You okay?"

"Yeah, I'm good"

"Let me see" she ordered turning the overhead light on. He split her cheek open along her cheek bone.

"Keep pressure on it" Octavia stated turning the car in the direction of Jackson's Clinic. If she hurried they would just make it, if they missed him it was an hour drive to a hospital.

They made it just in time. Octavia dragged Clarke through the doors.

"Ms. Blake, Ms. Griffin, how bad is it?" he greeted.

"Gonna need stitches." Octavia voiced as they followed him down the hall. He got Clarke all cleaned up, eleven stitches later.

"Thank you" Clarke stated.

"Thank's Jackson" Octavia added on there way out. They were half way home when Clarke's phone rang, She glanced down seeing Miller's Number and let it ring.

"You know he's not going to stop 'till you answer it"

"I'm not in the mood" as if on cue Octavia's phone rang.

"Hello?" she answered and his voice filled the cab coming across the speakers. Damn Bluetooth. Clarke thought.

"What happened?"

"Clarke and Dax, the usual, She had a few drinks, he was mouthy, it's over now. Relax Officer we have it under control" she smiled. She heard him sigh on the other end.

"I'll be over for coffee in the morning"

"Okay, see you then"


Bellamy stood in the hot water letting it run over his body until it started to turn cold. He turned off the faucet and grabbed a towel. No sooner did he wrap it around him did the knocking on the door catch his attention.

"Be right there" he yelled making his way through the living room. He unlocked it letting Raven in.

"Holy shit Blake you cleaned." she set her bag down assessing the room.

"A little, let me get dressed quick." he replied heading for his room. He came out in dark jeans and a dark blue shirt. His unruly curls falling in every direction. She smiled at his appearance. he definitely wasn't hard on the eyes.

"How's this look?"

"You look great, if you didn't have a woman I'd be all over you" she laughed.

"you are a godsend, and have no idea how thankful I am."

"I'm not gonna lie, when I didn't hear from you for a few days I thought maybe you changed your mind, I was getting ready to scold you, it's obvious you love her, go to her. No point waiting around here. I'll handle my dad and I'll see you tuesday" She smiled shoving a bag in his hand and pushing him out the door.

"Your flight leaves in 20 minutes, get moving"

"Raven I could kiss you"

"Ahhh, yeah, no such luck cowboy, get going" she stated shutting the door. He jogged down the hall taking the steps two at a time till his feet hit ground level. He stood on the sidewalk catching his breath for a minute before hailing the first taxi to cross his path.


And you thought I was going to have him hook up with Raven...tsk tsk...;)

Thanks to everyone for reading, your support is amazing, I am beyond appreciative you take the time to read my work! xoxox

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